chapter forty-six "goodbye Ashari"

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Chapter forty-six "goodbye Ashari"

Sly's p.o.v
"so how you feeling?" Summer asked me it's been a week since she started pulling this venom out of my bloodstream "heh better than last week" I said "but sometimes I still see that nightmare place I don't know" "Maybe that's a good thing?" she suggested, "how?" "well many entities live in that kind of realm so if someone was trapped there you would know, right?" "I guess but what if I have a freak out episode again?" "and how long has it been since your last one?" "few days" "well simple answer then, just remember it's not real" Summer shrugged relaxing, she put water that was littered in a purple brackish liquid into the nearby bucket, "I think that's all of it" Summer sighed happily I stood up from my bed "any voices?" I asked "besides Dean? nope... I'm pretty sure the Water Ashari is completely dead..." Summer sighed, I heard a slight sound of static getting louder and louder I covered my ears as they folded back against my head "ugh, how can you stand this static?" I asked shaking my head "what static?" Summer asked barely audible I looked at her panicked "ep-episode?!" I stuttered afraid as all of a sudden.

I felt like something kicked me in the stomach, I fell to the ground one arm holding me up and my other hand holding one of my ears as many voices screamed out in pain, I panted hard as I felt my thoughts turn 360 around in my mind, I knelt forward more using both hands to cover my mouth as I felt bile build up in my mouth, I struggled to sallow it as I felt something touch my back, still covering my mouth I used one hand to back hand whatever touched me as I back peddled away quickly, I couldn't hold it in anymore as I threw up onto the ground, I shouted out in pain as I felt heat rise in my throat and eyes, I panted hard as everything started to subside, black dots flowered my vision as I started to calm down when the black dots left I saw parts of my room being put out by Summer, who had a black scorch mark on her face as she turned to me after she had finished putting out a fire "Sly?" she asked concerned as she held her scorch mark "you- wha-..." She tried to find words "are you okay? are you hurt what the fuck just happened!" She finally shouted at me as she paced back and forth "s-screams... a-and static... and something felt like radiation?" I tried to explain "I've never had an episode like that..." I sighed "that wasn't an episode..." Summer said coolly as she stared at me "that's the Ashari's dying scream...".

Sky's P.o.v

Teep and I were hanging out in the dining hall finally relaxing for what seemed like forever. when we heard Sly scream out, Teep looked at me "do you think that session hurt?" Teep asked looking up at the roof, I shrugged whilst adjusting my sunglasses on my head "dunno he hasn't screamed out like that since..." I tried to think of the last time Sly had screamed like that, but nothing came to mind, Teep looked around suddenly, his iris shrunk into slits as he looked around quickly "Teep? you okay buddy?" I asked he looked towards me, his breath quickening "d-don't you hear that? the thunder?" He asked, "Teep what thunder?" I asked sitting up properly "I didn't summon a thundercloud...", he looked me dead in the eyes which scared me "s-stop playing around Sky call it off!" he pleaded his voice cracking, I wanted to answer him when this high pitched static sound began to ring out, Teep's mouth was moving but I couldn't hear him, it was nothing but static but somehow whispered voices crept through the static, I stood up quickly but immediately regretted it as I got light headed falling out of the chair I was sitting in, the impact winded me.

the voices were growing louder and louder, I felt like the whole world was spinning, it made me sick, I turned to the side and threw up everything was blurry at the moment as the voices were now screaming, I covered my ears to try and block out the sound but it didn't work, so I screamed to try and counter the screaming voices but it burn't my throat, 'why does it hurt?!' I mentally screeched, suddenly everything seemed to subside, the static, the voices, the dizziness. I took a shaky breath as I sat up, from under the table I saw Teep knelt over holding his sides panting, I didn't want to move... it hurt. I fell back but kept Teep within my vision as I heard people approaching, the team had burst through the doors to see us on the floor. "Sky are you okay?! you look really bad!" Emma asked frantically as she knelt in front of me "wow... thanks I hadn't noticed.." I struggled to say "Teep? you good man?" I asked my voice strained from the screaming, he gave a shaky thumbs up before going back to lying on the floor "what happened guys? the room's a mess!" Emma asked helping me to my feet, the room looked like a hurricane with boulders came crashing through.

Third Person P.O.V

Some of the team were helping Sky and Teep, some cleaning up the mess, and others just standing around dumbstruck, when Sly and Summer entered the room "this is the worst possible outcome possible" Summer mumbled shaking her head sadly "Summer can you explain what just happened?" Tinker asked approaching her, she took a breath "the Ashari are dead..." Summer said in a monotone voice "we're the last survivor's of the Ashari...", the room fell silent, Summer looked away from Tinker and the rest of the group "there's no use feeling sorry for us now... let's find Ender and well, fucking end her like she did the Ashari" Sly hissed looking to the group "Oi watch it, she's still my best mate!" James retorted quickly "and she's still a sister to Summer" "n-no..." Summer mumbled, "wait, what?" James asked approaching Summer, the whole room's attention was on them.

"the thing that's inhabiting my sister's body isn't my if we're going to kill Ender, I want her out of my sister's body alright?" Summer elaborated "I think I like this version of Summer more" Kye mumbled to Tom, Tom punched Kye's shoulder "dude, seriously bad timing" Tom sighed, the comment earned a few laughs from the team, Tinker spoke up "alright well if we're really planning on facing her, I suggest we set a trap" "and how do we do that genius?" Emma asked "we head to her next location and lure her to us" Tinker replied bitterly, "I know where she'll strike next I think" James pointed out, "I think she's heading to the capital" "The capital is just before the empire, she got rid of her second biggest threats first" Snowdrop elaborated, "well then we know where we're going then" Jade said "to the Capital then" Summer said.

 "to the Capital"

jeez been a while huh? sorry for not updating, had a few technical problems but hey new chapter am I right? anyway, see you guys in the next one! Bye~

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