Chapter forty-eight "the plan"

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Chapter forty-eight "the plan"
(I drew the top art :3)
Continuation from last P.O.V
The elementals kept to the shadows thanks to James, as they watched the tainted swarm the Capital as they guessed in search of them, "everyone ready?" Tinker whispered as he turned to the group "as soon as we see her" everyone nodded as they kept an eye on the streets "Kiki can you tell Ender bitch to come to the centre of the capital ALONE" James requested mentally "I'll try my best" Kiki whispered.

Ender walked atop the rooftops scanning the streets "Ender a message from the elementals" the small voice whispered "how do you have contact with them?" Ender asked with a growl "do you want the message or not?" The voice snapped Ender tightened the grip on the amulet "fine" Ender said reluctantly "they request that you meet them in the centre of the capital, alone if your not a coward" the voice whispered "they want me alone? Ha!" Ender recalled how when they first encountered her they didn't damage her "alright I'll bite, I'll be there" Ender smiled evilly as she took off to the centre of the capital.

The elementals used James' shadow room to arrive at the centre of the Capital with ease, as they arrived they saw Ender sitting upon the destroyed statue, they spread out further into the shadows "so you actually came?" James shouted out "hmm it would seem so" Ender sighed "you know I was semi conscious when they made these statues heh" "but your the villain, who would make a statue of you?" Snowdrop asked "ah here's a funny thing I'm not always a villain, sometimes I was a hero along with you or against you" Ender giggled "it's only recently I decided I was sick of just being a power source" Ender looked around sensing them around her "now may I ask a question? Why are you so head strong on saving this husk?" Ender asked looking towards where she guessed the water elemental and the dark elemental were "she's my sister" "she's my best friend" came the responses from the dark "mm right, okay second question is this a friendly hello hi? Or are you actually going to fight me?" Ender asked standing up looking into the shadows around her, they all changed into their elemental forms as they stepped out of the shadows, Sly a blazing hot fire Fox, Sky A thunderous hawk (looks like thunderstorm almost), James a dark entity bat, Summer a water serpent, Tinker an electrified paragon falcon, Emma a Dire forest wolf vines covering its legs, Snowdrop an Icy snow owl, Jade a radiant Griffin, Teep an earthly lion, Kye a dark blue panther that seemed to be giving off particles, Thomas a crystal looking owl also giving off particles "oh so you have come far! Good now I might actually have a challenge!" Ender mused.

The first strike was from a fireball, Ender ducked out of the way from it only to be grappled by vines that quickly grew out of the stone, Ender wilted the vines and summoned three shards of Ender crystal and fired them at the nature elemental who jumped out of the way, Ender was tackled off the statue by Jade, her Griffin claws racking down her body, Ender roared angrily as her tail batted the Griffin away and off of her as she started to get up, she was quick to fly up to avoid the earth spikes that shot from the ground only to be struck with lighting by two sources, as she tensed up Ender saw the bat fly towards her, She summoned more shards and spun it around her like a defence knocking the two lighting sources back from once they came before she shot five at the bat knocking it out of the air, she was suddenly swooped by 6 foes knocking her shards away from her, She closed her wings and fell landing on the ground three point landing style as she glared at the 5 on the ground, fire surrounded Ender, the fire was encapsulated by the earth growing out of the ground to create a sphere, the nature helped fuel the fire, Ender couldn't move her body seized up once again feeling the water in her body freeze. The fire was burning her, the smoke was suffocating, her body hurt, she roared in pain "I won't lost to you!" She screeched out losing energy trying to keep this form, she coughed the smoke Burt her lungs and her eyes as she channeled her power creating a portal underneath her, she fell through falling on one of the near by rooftops winding her.

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