Chapter thrity-four "SERPENTINE~"

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Chapter thirty-four "SERPENTINE~"
Sky's p.o.v
I was asleep, a dreamless sleep, but something was off "um Sky? Sky!" A familiar voice called out Skylar, I opened my eyes not to see Skylar but a different person with a knife raised above their head, I couldn't make out any facial features because they were wearing a mask but I could see their eyes, One was a normal amber eye with a pentagram around it but her right eye was demon like, purple with a black slit in the middle the white part of their right eye with also purple but a lighter purple, they swung down at me quickly I rolled out of the way but I felt it catch my shoulder, I grabbed my amulets I held them tightly as the wind picked them up from the ground, I punched my hand forward in the air as they were thrown out the window, (I'm gonna need a new window...), I heard a female-esk yelp come from them as they were thrown out my window, I rushed to the window and saw them getting up from the bottom of the hill, I heard another window smash I looked over and saw another person fall out the window "INTRUDERS, EVERYONE WAKE UP!!" I shouted out into the castle, someone hit the gong I looked back towards the two intruders and they had disappeared, I huffed angrily 'they got away!' I mentally cursed, there was a pulse of pain that hit my shoulder, I looked at the wound, it wasn't that deep...but it's making me feel really ill all of a sudden, I shook my head trying to dismiss it, but it was still there "hey um James?" I asked telepathically "can you get Emma?" I stumbled back for a second and now a pulse of pain traveled down my body and up into my skull "um why?" He asked "help..." is all i could manage before falling down, as soon as I hit the floor everything seemed more painful, whatever that fuck did poisoned me! I felt my muscles tense and lock up I tried to mutter anything but no sound came out, I couldn't talk!, I tried to move...nothing happened, that bitch had stopped me from doing anything, I WAS GOING TO DIE, I heard my door slam open "Sky?! You good?" Emma asked kneeling before me I tried to respond nothing came out, my body just curled tighter in on itself, "I think he's been poisoned! Emma heal him real fast I'll check on Snow!" James said as I heard his footsteps rushing away, I felt hands touch me and a different pulse of energy enter my body, my muscles loosened, the pain subsided, the world stopped spinning, I was good and healthy again, I took a deep breath in "thanks Emma" I said sitting up "no worries, I gotta check on snow" Emma said getting up and leaving, I took a moment to collect myself as I looked out the broken window, I looked at my healed over wound that's left a scar, it look purple almost, I got up from the ground and looked out into the hall way, I headed down to SnowDrops room and saw Emma healing snow and James looking at a dagger "what's up?" I called "hey is this the dagger that hit you...?" James asked handing me the dagger I looked at it "same handle different blade?" I said all of a sudden the two gems on the hilt of the dagger flashed to life and the dagger became a snake! I dropped it to the ground as it hissed at us and slithered down the hall I looked at James and he looked at me "race ya!" I said running out of the hall James hurried behind me I used a gust of wind to push myself further forward and him further back "hey! Cheater!" James called out from down the hall as I rushed past a vase I grabbed it, I saw the snake ahead of me, used a gust of wind to throw it into the air, it wriggled and hissed as it fell back down, I slid under it and caught it in the vase covering the top with a book, I grinned like and idiot at James "you cheat!" James whined again "um hello? It's night, and that's your element, I'm just using my power to my advantage" I said shrugging "anyway is Tinker awake?" I asked "nope" "still asleep?" "Nope" "what do you mean?" "He's gone" "gone where?!" "I don't know! He's not my problem!" James huffed turning away I rolled my eyes and walked off down the hall "hey wait no don't leave me!" James said catching up to me I giggled at his antics, "hey I got an idea" I said "I'm listening" "what if we let this thing go?" "Already hate this idea" "no,no like see where it goes!" "Already love this idea" we both laughed at the last response "wait we gonna follow it in our night wear?" James asked looking down to his boxers "uh in five?" I asked James nodded, I entered my room and put the vase and book on the desk I have in my room, I got changed rather quickly, and fixed my hair into its normal short low ponytail, and I pocketed my sunglasses just in case (what? It's my style!) I grabbed the stupid vase and book and headed down stairs to the front entry, James was already down there waiting "dude how'd you get changed so fast" I asked "I'm going straight back to sleep when we get back is all I'm saying" James said with a yawn "let the snake out already" I took the book away and dumped the snake out, as soon as it hit the floor it slithered off quickly, me and James followed it for a bit, about an hour had passed and we were still following this stupid snake "can we go back to base...?" James asked tiredly I shrugged, but I looked back to the path and saw a town "come on this has now gotten more interesting!" I said picking up the pace, it slithered into a slightly lively sounding tavern "ready?" I asked James shrugged as we entered, some people were passed out drunk, drunkenly dancing to a performing band who was playing or just eating and chatting I looked around for the snake, I lost sight of it I huffed in anger "I lost it" I mumbled we saw one drunken man jump back and fall on his ass "you good sir?" I asked "I thought....I thought I saw a snake?" The man slurred "where?" I asked he lifted a finger and pointed "in that general direction" he said I nodded and walked to that area finding a table to sit at, me and James took a seat "why aren't we back at base again?" James asked "we lost that snake" I said James sighed and lent back on the chair I heard angry voices from the table behind us, I listened, "the boss isn't gonna be happy" a male voice said "I don't care! We don't have any info on any of them! We don't even know our client!" A hushed female voice snapped "hows your leg?" "Freezing, and your back?" "Sore, but hey you got your blade back at least" I looked over my shoulder slightly and saw the chick with the pentagram over her eye I looked back to James "dude that's the chick that attacked me!" I whispered "so she was hitting on you?" "What do you—" it took me a second to realise the joke and his stupid grin on his face I scrunched up my face in annoyance "really?" I asked "sorry" James said letting a little chuckle go "if you two are done talking about us" the male voice said I froze and turned around, they were both looking at us "how'd they—" "lip reading comes in handy" the male said "we don't want to start a fight here" James said "oh really? Cause we do." They said as they stood up bearing their weapons, "how much gold we got on us?" I whispered to James he look at me confused "um a pouch full?" "Drop it on the floor now" "huh?" "Do it!" James carefully grabbed the pouch and dropped it on the floor the two looked at us confused "now we can begin!" I shouted out as the band started playing this up beat and catchy tune

The Elementalsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن