Chapter forty-five "now time for cleansing"

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Chapter forty-five "now time for cleansing"
Tinker's p.o.v
Summer and Sky entered the room and everyone swarmed around them, welcoming back Summer, I leant against the wall watching them all, I remember what it's like to see an old friend after feeling like you wouldn't see them again...saddening. I took a deep breath and sighed heavily "hey em?" I asked "hmm?" She hummed turning to me "let her know I wanna talk later" I said turning away to leave "can't you tell her yourself?" Emma asked grabbing my arm stopping me "I'm... not good at these kind of things" I tried to explain "I'll be in my lab..." I shouldered off Emma's grasp and walked off to the library 'we gotta fix Sly, but if Summer isn't up to it... then I don't know how we're going to fix this' I thought glumly as I opened the entrance to my Lab and left it open I groaned 'ach I need more fucking caffeine for this kinda thing'  i mentally sighed I slid into my office chair and rubbed the bridge of my nose with one hand, I waited and waited.... and waited...


I shot up from my chair being woken from my daze, I looked to the clock thirty minutes... "y-yes? D-down here" I called just before yawning and turning to the entrance seeing her float down on a cloud "is Sky here?" I inquired looked past her "nah, it's not that hard to control the water modules in a cloud" Summer explained whilst shrugging "you've gotten smarter, and you've got a new look...that's..." I tried to think of something to say not to hurt her feelings "nice?" Summer chuckled loudly "aww you're so cute when you're confused" she giggled "um thanks?" I said rubbing the back of my neck nervously "anyway you wanted to talk?" Summer questioned "ah yea, um so you know what has happened to Sly" "yes those hallucinatory poison do a number on its victims" "...right Um we have a bit of a problem Sly's condition seems to be getting worse" "Oh? How so?" "He's gaining a fever, he has the hots and colds, constant painkillers are required to keep him awake and not vomiting, and when Emma heals him it's only for an hour, two if we're lucky" "this sounds bad, but this doesn't explain why you wanted me" "right sorry... we have two options on how to fix this" "mmm?" "We could risk his life including our own by fighting our way into the water ashari to find a healer" "that's out of the question, he and I are in no condition to fight" "then we have one last option...." I stopped 'she's not up to it, just forget it' I thought "well?" She asked tilting her head slightly "I-I.....don't worry about it, it was a stupid idea" I said walking past her quickly "hey! Just hold up a sec!" Summer called from behind me I walked quicker 'just forget it, just forget it, just forget it' I mentally repeated "Tinker!" Summer shouted as I felt my body seize up, my breathing quickened as I struggled "now turn around" Summer said as I felt my body turn around "and sit" my body fell to my knees "and lay down" I fell forward "good boy!" Summer chuckled I looked up to her and saw her hand outstretched towards me 'okay, maybe she's up to it...' I convinced myself "now I'm gonna release you, and you're gonna tell me the other option" Summer ordered "f-fine" I grunted as I looked to her, she lowered her hand and I felt my body loosen so I stood up and dusted myself off  "clearly you've unlocked something deep within your subconscious to do that..." I evaluated "um I guess?" Summer said before giving me a stern look I laughed nervously "ah, Right, Ahem the other option is you bend the poison out of his immune system" I explained rubbing the back of my neck nervously "but I don't know if your ready yet... being that— I mean you've just come back" Summer seemed to think on her answer "Okay... just— just give me a few minutes to prepare Okay?" Summer requested I nodded "you sure your ready to try this?" I asked "it's not if I'm ready, it's that I have to be ready" Summer pointed out floating up the stairs 'she can't die' I thought staring into space.

A few hours later

Summer's p.o.v
I was seated in the dining hall being that the cloud dissolved, I was playing with a glass of water shaping it into different sizes and shapes, I sighed dropping the water back into the glass and looking out the closest window 'what am i gonna do?' I wondered watching the clouds float past, i heard the small pitter patter of feet aproaching me "Summer?" Snowdrop asked sitting next to me "mm?" I hummed "are you gonna fix him?" Snowdrop asked "Sly i mean..." i sighed "can i vent for a second?" I asked "you can say no" Snowdrop shook her head "im all ears, no pun intended" she joked waving her hand in front of her eyes i chuckled slightly before falling silent and into a trance like state "how does a premature adult, a child, a dinosuar, and a bunch of teenagers come into a power and responsibilities like this? Just because of some ghosts chose us?" I flaid my arms in the air before slamming my fists into the table shaking the water "like we had lives before this! I was happy with my old life and I've died! And now i'm back?" I felt tears prick my eyes as the water in the cup boiled and bubbled before me creating steam "and-and why? Why did my sister leave to join some fucking ender dragon cult?! WHY?! WHY ATTACK US?! J-just why? Why?" I whimpered as my head fell into my hands i heard the cracking of ice from the cup "and-and n-now Sly's life is on my hand and i d-don't want to fail anybody..." i sobbed i felt a small hand rub up and down my back "i-i don't know if i can keep this up..." i admitted "keep what up?" Snowdrop asked "this god damn stupid game..." "game? What game?" "Our game! Mine and Sha-...." i struggled to breath "chi... chi's game, our stupid little game that never seemed to end...." i cried i couldn't keep this up, i took a few deep breaths "i won't prod at that statement just yet but... you feel better now?" I nodded unfurling my fists and looking up "lets do this shit...take me to the sick foxy!" I said taking up my playful persona once again

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