Chapter Twenty Three "it's ghoostie time" (continued)

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Chapter Twenty Three "its ghoostie time" (continued)
Quick note: sorry I haven't uploaded lately, my nana died recently (18th of July today so 6 days ago) and I just needed some time to morn so forgive me if this is short...
Sly's p.o.v
Left hit, right hit, dodge, dodge smack I fell on my ass as the punching bag smacked me in the face I held my face from the sudden hit I groaned into my hands a heard a burst of laughter kinda sounded like really shitty Irish? Maybe some sort of accent I jumped up quickly my fox ears twitching 'I'm never gonna get used to that!' I thought summoning a fireball in my hand "show yourself!" I shouted out "right here dip shit" the voice said I turned around and saw a boy with a blue eye and mech eye brown wings and ears? His hair spiked like he was electrocuted "and who are you?" I asked "I am Jonny fireburst foxy boy!" He teased "the names Sly not 'foxy boy' okay?" I asked making the fireball disappear "what not gonna blast me into bits?" He asked "um not unless your a sallonix like I had to deal with back home" I said stepping out of the fight ring to get a drink "wh-what the fuck are salon nickses?" Jonny asked appearing next to me "it's sallonix and they are very nasty ghost that we struggled to defeat" I said before chugging down some water "aww nasty ghosties what they scared you half to death?" Jonny chuckled "um if you consider entering ones body, fucking up their mental state and physical state, can imitate ones physical appeared to help and evil overlord and somehow summon a deadpool character, and sending one friend to the ghost realm scaring them half to death then yea I guess so!" I snapped my ears and tail twitched I sighed and sat down on a bench that was nailed to the ground down here "Jesus, that's...uh..." "leaves you lost for words doesn't it?" I sneered "Sh-shut up!" He snapped his wings unfolded in embarrassment I pointed to his wings "uh what's up with the wings?" I asked "wait I have wings?" He checked and saw them "oh that's right I have wings" I gave him a confused look "what sometimes I forget I have wings no biggie" I facepalmed and sighed again "just tell me why your here" I mumbled "I am the element spirit, I was the fire elemental before you!" He introduced standing proud "and why are you a ghost?" "Pffft I dunno ask Damien he's the one who threw me into a volcano..." "a volcano?! Is that why your dead?!" "What? No! I'm not dead just uh meditating?" "In lava?" "No! There was rock at the bottom! And that volcano hasn't erupted in years! But is somehow still active...." I shook my head slowly in disbelief "this is gonna be one weird elemental power trip huh?" I asked Jonny nodded and I sighed again.

Teep's p.o.v
I've heard crazy things since I've been around for one not only am I a dinosaur sniper I'm also a half vampire. BUT NOW WE'RE DEALING WITH GHOSTS?! This was enough for me I stared at James he grinned back "lemme outta here,now" I growled "ugh fine just walk through one of these door ways I gotta check on stinker bell anyway" James said walking through one of the door ways I sighed 'yea bring me into a shadow room and then tell me to leave, great fucking logic there mate, great fucking logic' I thought walking through one of the door ways ending up in the kitchen 'okay not as painful as I thought' I sighed as I took a seat in the kitchen "gets a bit much doesn't it?" A female voice asked I kept my head on the table, my eyes shut "tell me about..." I said "you don't have to talk telepathically to me I'm kinda apart of you I guess" she said I opened one eye and saw the girl 'I'm guessing your violet right?' I thought she nodded 'so how are you talking? You mute like me?' She shook her head no I'm deaf, I don't talk at all she signed 'oh sorry...anyway your the elemental power huh?' I thought she nodded 'this is gonna be one hell of a power trip huh?' I thought she nodded again

Sky's p.o.v
I was on top of the castle watching snowdrop ride back "hey snowy!" I called out she waved her hand not to me but in general, I looked out to the tops of the trees and saw Emma practicing with her vines I sighed and looked around again 'well this is a slow afternoon huh?' I thought with a sigh walking down to the second level, I looked around and saw Teep in the kitchen (I think he asleep?), looked into the game room and saw Kye playing smash brothers (LITTLE MACCY DA BEST!! LITTLE MACCY DA BEST!!) then I over heard Thomas drop something and it smashed I walked to his door and knocked "yo, what did you just break?" I asked through the door "NOTHING!! NOTHING BREAKABLE!!" Thomas shouted "uh huh whatever you say..." I said rolling my eyes walking off "well aren't you boring?" A female voice asked I turned around and saw a girl floating in front of me "ghost" "uh huh" "elemental power?" "Uh huh".... "not gonna freak out?" "Nope" "not worried?" "Nope"..."wanna prank the magic bros?" "Hell yea!"

Jade's p.o.v
"Hello there mortal!" James shouted out I stuck my head out my door and saw James running down the hall towards me I closed my door on him "nope not again!" I said he knocked again "but jadey? Don't you wanna battle with me~?" James sung to 'do you wanna build a snowman' I opened the door on his face "NO,GOD,PLEASE GOD NO,NO,NOOOOO!!" I shouted closing the door again "ow fuck my nose really jade?!" He shouted I giggled "that's not very nice..." a male voice said from behind me I turned around and saw this kid in almost fin from adventure time get up "and who are you?" I asked "I'm Finn sharky! I'm your elemental power, and hitting your brother isn't very nice..." Finn introduced I nodded "well that's just what we's a sibling thing!" "It is?" "Only child huh?" "Um kind of I was raised by relatives my parents were always traveling they don't really have time for me" "is that why your so helpful and caring eh?" I asked he nodded and smiled "well it's just something we do I mean summer and her sisters fight most siblings do" I explained he nodded hesitantly "having a chat in there?" James asked through the door "elemental power ghost" "so that's everyone then! Thanks jade!" James said leaving I looked to fin and he shrugged

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