Chapter fifty-three "a week ago today"

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Chapter fifty-three "a week ago today"
(Continuation from the last P.O.V)
Tinker now in his ultimate elemental form grabbed the now small looking box (I mean compared to his large clawed hands? Of course it's gonna look small!), an held it gingerly with both hands before for surging forward a heavy amount of electrical energy into the box making it glow and shake, a beam shot from the top of the box and into the sky.

With a bright flash of white light everyone was knocked prone as the box exploded, the moon was in the same state as before, it seemed as if nothing had changed. "Someone check your phone! I need to know if it worked!" Tinker pleaded his voice altered in his current state, Jade pulled out her phone and checked the time "it's still midnight Tink..." "No! I mean the date! Not the time!" "Oh... well yea it worked then" Ja,de said with a shrug "we're a week ago, today" "that didn't make any sense what so ever.." James muttered, "now next order of business, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!" James shouted towards Tinker.

Tinker looked at himself in his current form and gave a smile. (Which would look either pretty weird or scary) "in all honesty? I wasn't... I was completely depending on luck" Tinker admitted with a weak chuckle "I did not think of ending up back in that lab again if something went wrong" Tinker shrugged, "what was that about a Lab?" Snow asked "don't worry about it" Tinker dismissed.

"Okay now that we're a week in the past? What are we suppose to do?" Kye asked, "Well let me guess, now that we're a week behind, Ender is weak correct?" James started "in theory yes" Tinker responded, "the,en all we have to do is, make our way back towards the temple, avoid all the guards she's probably set up and also figure out how to turn into our ultimate forms like you did correct?" Tinker stood there looming over James with a blank expression "surprisingly you hit the nail on the head with that..." Tinker said 'standing' (more like floating) straight "now let me recover after that when I change back and we'll be all good to go ok?" Tinker asked the group, they agreed.

Tinker shifted back to his normal form, he stood shakily with bits of smoke coming off of him, parts of his hair singed. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he fell forward, James and Sky grabbing him by the arms before he completely collapsed, he laid limp in their arms, completely exhausted.

Emma's p.o.v
"Are we not gonna address that comment he made about a lab?" Snowdrop asked "I'm sure it was talking about something like an old job or something," I said with a shrug before kneeling down and healing Tinker, "I'm kinda worried... how the fuck do we.. ya'know go super syian?" Summer asked whilst pacing, "probably feel more in tune with our element in times of danger?" "or we could just scream and transform like cartoons and like he did?" Jade suggested with a chuckle, a few quiet laughs came from the team, the small laughs that came from the team seemed to ease the tense atmosphere that had been choking us since arriving. I finished healing Tinker and stood up straight "Okay I say we should start walking, the faster we make it back to that temple the better chance we have of saving the world," I said with confidence 'I make a great leader!' I thought 'eh...but too much effort' everyone generally agreed, Sky created a cloud and placed tinker within it, "lead the way Emma" Sky said I smiled and led the way out of the destroyed temple we were at and into the wide open space of a field, "how do we find a town when we're in the middle of nowhere?" Sly asked, "we got this!" Kye said summoning a few potions as Thomas began an incantation, Kye smashed the potion on the ground as Thomas finished the spell, the liquid formed in the air as a compass "closet town" Thomas said, the dial in the floating liquid compass spun before pointing East "east it is then!" Thomas said as the compass evaporated.

Time skip!

Summer's p.o.v
We had been walking for forever! I was scouting ahead with Emma and Sly, me and Emma in our wolf forms and Sly was there for moral support I think? "As they were running through the brush, what they hasn't realised is that a strange man was following them from afar..." "w-what are you do- what?" Emma asked looking behind us "I can still hear you ya know!" Sly called out crossing his arms as he continued to follow "they continued on ignoring the strange man, they searched as far as-" "what are you doing?" Emma asked bumping her shoulder into mine, i wagged my tail excitedly "narrating our adventure!" I replied "we're not even 5 feet away from Sly and not even 10 away from the rest of the group so why narrate?" Emma asked tilting her head in confusion "Um because I'm bored?" I explained "Besides can't James just teleport through the shadows? Or Snowdrop just transform and fly ahead?" I added Emma shook her head as she padded further along "because we're trying to avoid Ender knowing we're alive" Emma explained "and a large owl flying around isn't very sneaky" I groaned lowering my head and continued trekking along "what exactly is your plan once you find a town?" Dean asked appearing beside me "oh hey, haven't seen you in a while, thought the author forgot about you or something" I commented not paying him much mind "huh? Wha- you know what I'm not gonna ask something tells me I won't understand" Dean concluded out loud "Ah that a-boy! See you can teach an old dog new tricks!" I joked "but seriously what is your plan?" Dean asked again looking to me seemingly worried "well the plan is, find a town, regain our strengths, gather supplies then continue on our way and hopefully return you guys to your own bodies!" I explained Dean nodded seeming to understand. He sighed in relief, I looked at him he seemed more tired and worried than usual, "hey Dean?" "Yea?" "You look like crap, what happened?" "Heh, we all look like crap thank you" "all of you?" "And your group" there was a beat of silence before Dean spoke again "I was so scared..." his voice was shaky as he looked to me "all we saw was you guys falling into that abyss and then we lost connection to you, like you had stopped existing! I-" he took a shaky breath it sounded like he wanted to cry... "we we're briefly returned to our bodies but it was as if we were all in some sort of sleep paralysis, we couldn't move... I thought you died! I didn't want to lose you! Not like that!" Dean stopped and went silent just floating next to me as I continued on my way. "I-if it's any help, I-I was so scared without you there I suppose... I thought you all just went dormant for a while? Seeing as you hadn't been appearing as much..." I glanced at him while venting to him "Well we did go dormant seeing as we weren't being called upon so we just slipped into the background" Dean explained I nodded surprisingly understanding this, "hey! There's a town up ahead! I don't think Ender's forces has reached it yet!" Emma called out snapping me and Dean to attention, "I'll inform them then" Sly called back turning around and walking back to the group, I padded up to Emma "you know I'm sure Petal would like some conversation once and a while" I commented before walking off continuing toward the outskirts of the town.

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