Chapter 2 First day of school

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Jhene pov,

I woke up in Jay arms after several seasons of Rome and Juliet last night in the bed.I toke a bath and did my morning routine.I put on the outfit in the media and put my gold nameplate that rested above my belly button with my hair down and my all white air force's that came straight out the box.Fresh.
Jay got dressed and grabbed his football bag.He got kicked out of Jeans High last year because He fought a boy who had kissed me on the neck.Jay gave the boy a concussion and shattered the boys collar bone.You'd think quan's a killer,just wait til you get Jay mad.He got kicked out the same day he fought the boy.

"See you after school baby" Jay said looking down at me as we stood in front of his masrtie.His friends stood in front of their cars talking to a group of girls.

"See you later" I said with a smirk about to walk away.

Jay pulled me back to him by my waist.

"You not gon give me no kiss?" Jay asked

I looked at him

"Or was last night to much to Handel?"He asked with a smile

I rolled my eyes with a smile

"Boy please"I smirked

"Com on Jhene"My best Tink said
Jay lend down and gave me a kiss holding me my habds,He bit my lip.

"You play to much"I laughed hitting him pulling away from him

Jay just smiled getting into his car.Me and Tink walked to our first period.

"Girl you and Jay are mad deep in love"She explained

A bright smile appeared on my face.I shrugged with a smirk.Our next period was gym.Tink friends joined us on our way.

"Valentines tomorrow"A girl named temma squealed

"Yazz gurl"A girl named red exclaimed,so ghetto "And my man better get me something"

Tink looked at me.

"I wanna see what Jay gone do this year" Karla said holding her cheats like she was the one in love with Jay

Last year when Jay went to this school and they throw his football game on Valentine's day since he's the leader of the team he planned the world's most romantic scene ever.
The whole filed was painted red with harts on it and I walked out from the bleachers because me and my girls just arrive their.Every person in the bleachers stood up in looking at me.Jay walked out with his teammates behind him.They all held red and black roses,Chocolate hearts and humongous teady bears in their hands and they were dressed in red and pink suits.

Jay had on all red suit and his black red bottoms.He was looking sharp.He had a big boundul of Pink red and black roese with a small black box in both of his hand.

"Happy Valentine's baby"Jay said lending down tounge kissing me.

"awww thank you" I squealed .So did my friends.

"Look what I got you"He said opening the was a gold red ruby ring.

That was the best day ever.I gave him something in return when we got home.

"You right" Angela explained "Yall like the cutest couple known" she spoke to me

I nodded

"Last year we got engaged but this year he moving away" I said

They all looked at me.Tink already knew.

"What?" red asked

"Why?" Shreaka cried

"His grandma sick so he going down their to take care of her" I explained

"Is he ever coming back?" Tanesha asked

I shrugged.I cried at first but I have to face reality.

Later that day I was running in the hallway.Away from my best friend earl, when I bumped into somebody.I fell to the floor grabbing my for head.

"Ahhhh" I cried rubbing my for head

"You okay?"A tall cute boy asked helping me up.

I looked up at him holding my head.

"You okay?" He asked again looking into my greenish grayish eyes

"Um-I" I stuttered sounding like a freaking idiot.

"Jhene" Earl called jogging to me "watch we're your running!"

The boy had his hand around my back holding my hand.

"You need some ice?" He asked,Worried looking in my eyes holding me

I face burned.I shock my head no looking at him

"She's fine" Earl said pulling me away from him

"She can't speak?" The boy asked looking at earl

"Yae" I said rolling my eyes crossing my arms.The cute boy looked at me.His friends admired my body drilling,behind him.Rubbing their hands like they liked what they were seeing.

"I don't need yo brother to kill me over you" Earl said Walking away with me

"It ain't even that serious" I said fixing my chain

The cute boy watched me as I disappeared in the distance.



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