Chp.30 deal or no deal

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"Come Wash you hands" I told Prince while he flushed the girls church toilet

He walked over to me and I picked him up and washed his hands.He dryer his hands when I heard formulae voices outdone of the door.
I cracked the door halfway open. And saw Jay talking to quan.

"So what's up?" Quan asked Jay

He looked at him.

"Nothing much" Jay said

"Nah--You know what I'm talking bout"

Jay looked at him and shock his head.

"The deals off" he explained "I almost lost jhene over some shit and I ain't bout to risk this"

He had his hand holding one cup which had 'toxic waste' in it,looking at Jay.

"What that supposed to mean?" Quan asked,snotthly

Jay looked at him like he's been saying the same thing over and over again.

"I mean the deals off--I got a ducking family now-I can't keep doing this shit" Jay exclaimed

"So you let that fuck nigga put his hands on my sister and you didn't do nothing about it?--Ain't nothing wrong with this---You give zy'reak the papers and Chris all off yah hands" Quan informed Jay

Jay shock his head.

"You don't get tied of this shit?" Jay asked looking away

"Never will" Quan said "It otta be a shame if ol' man find out bout his baby girl,Princesse,Night and day biggest secrets about that nigga Chris--He gone have to kill two niggas" Quan explained

Jay looked at quan.

"Your lost" quan shrugged walking back into the room.

Jay thought for a while and shurrged his shoulders and walked in the room.Prince grabbed my hand and I walked him back into the room.

I sat next to Jay who had Cleo and Prince sat back with Temma and quan.

"Say da-da" Jay said when Cleo stood up on his lap

She started to jump on his lap a little.

"Ya-ya--a!" She screamed and laughed

She's so cute.All the uncle's and dad and ma laughed.

"Ya-ya!" She laughed chewing on her hand.Her teeth haven't grow in though.

"Shhh" I laughed putting the pacifier in her mouth

Chris is now eyeing Jay from across the room.

"Awww she's so cute" a group of girls said looking at Cleo after church was done.

I held Cleo in my arms while Jay was talking inside with dad and all the uncle's.

"Look at all that hair" one girl said admiring cleo's hair

Cleo looked around like usual.She chewed on her hand.

"Ya--Yay!" Cleo said,low,looking off off in space

The girls laughed then Chris walked up to me.The girls left when he asked can he speak to me.

"So what's up?" He asked when he sat in his car and I stood up

"Nothing,much" I told him

He nood

"You know I never told pinky to pull that trigger on yo nigga--I had nothing to do with that" he explained

I shrugged.He liked at me.Then Cleo.

"She got the same eyes as you" he said grabbing Cleo from me

We're on the side if the church while his friends are inside talking to a group of church girls.

"She's a beautiful baby" he said looking at her

I watched him carefully.

"Chris can I have my baby back-" I started

"Our baby" he corrected me

I looked at him.He's abscesses with me.Me and Cleo,now.

"You can trust me" he said looking at Cleo "Why wouldn't you?" He asked me

My nerves are off the roof and my back is tingling.Just than tink and blue came up to us.

"Her dad wants to see the baby" tink said grabbing Cleo from out of Chris arms

"See you later pumpkin" Chris said tickling cleo's stomach

When tink and blue disappeared Chris told me to have a seat in his car.Then again I did.

"You gave that nigga what I was supposed to have--A fucking family" he explained

I didn't look at him.I was facung forward while he looked at me.
He talked to me a while.But I didn't say anything though,I just listened.

"I love you--And I will never stop" he said to me

I looked at him for a good minute and got out the car.So did he.He walked over to me before I could move.The car door was still open.

"You heard me?" He asked " I said I love you"

He looked down at me.I feeling guilty for some reason and I don't know why.He lend down about to give me a kiss when I moved out the way.He looked at me and just gave me a hug.

Its a shame,I couldn't even look him in the eyes.Its sad.This isn't the sameChris I agreed to go out with.And now that he in my life there's no Turing back.

I walked away and he go in his car.Jay stood in front of his car watching us in the distance.He's mad.Beyond mad.But I Gisele when I said I was leaving him he smooth down some.

He's quite when me and him is in the car and cleo's with his grandparents,since she's staying the weekend with them.

"Jay" I started

He haven't spoken and he just started the car.He cruzzs down the road over to Chris.Chris window is down and he looking down at his phone with his seat back.

"Lets just go-" I started,getting cut off by jay

"You a blessed man" Jay stated, than Chris looked up from his phone "Boyyyy-You lucky I got a family"

Chris looked at him.He shrugged and started his car and zoomed off.Jay drove off.He's driving so fast the cars we are passing seem to be moving like turtles.



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