Chp.17 Runaway

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Chris pov,

I stood in front of Jhene's bed as she was sound asleep wearing all black.I was planning on taking her back to were she really belongs,back home but I'm just gonna let her be.That fuck nigga ain't around to mess things up.
I had a broken rib when we fought but it's good.cause sooner or later ima be the Motha fucka who push his ass off the cliff and crash him off the bridge just so Jhene will cone running back to me when she knows she really need me.
I walked over to her.I gave her a kiss on the head and she turned her head with a yawn.She so cute and beautiful.I'm going crazy over her.I am crazy over her.Its already four something in the morning and almost near the time that fuck nigga come back from his football practice.Crazy cause I know what kinda car he drive;when he go and come to work;we're his mom lived he don't know his dad;Exactly where he was born;The time,date and year.
I decried its best for me to just leave.Later on that day I realized that that bibby nigga use to go out with Jhene.when I searched him up in the computer lab I saw Jhene and his sex tape.
I sat in the computer lab for an hour or so knowing more about Jhene.When I saw her in gym my mind went racing a mile a minute.I decried its best for me to talk to her to get stuff off my mind.

"Jhene" I started,walking over to her

She scared.Traumatized.This mind set of mine makes me look more of a killer then what I already am.

"She doesn't wanna talk to you" Tink fat ass stepes in front of her

"Jhene?" I asked looking at her

Her eyes didn't meet mine.instead she looked away,quite.a question comes to min :Am I really this kind a person? I'd figure it's best for her to get some space and not go acting crazy here.

Later on the day I saw Jhene from across the cafeteria.She was laughing But when she looked at me she stopped.Everyone who was sitting with her looked at me.Tink rolled her eyes at me.

"Come on nae" Tink said

And the whole table cleared.I hate the fact how this is me and Jhene's relationship and her friends always have the last say so.Since I'd figure she won't talked to me in school I'd meet her at her house.
I waited outside Her house which toke up the whole block.I sat in my Ferrari thinking of a million ways how to talk to her.She finally pulled up in her Benz.She huffed when she saw my me walking up to me.

"What do you want now?" She asked opening her front door

"Jhene let me just talk to you" I pleaded "Let me know what's been up with you" I explained walking in with her

"You said what you gotta say and that's the end of it" she said putting her book bag down,walking up stairs

"You don't know the half" I explained "You fuck a nigga and just stop talking to him? I asked when she stopped in front of her bed

"You were the Motha fucka who said I wasn't gone be shit without yo sorry ass" she said "And now here you are crying for me" she explained

Her words made me sick.I grabbed her by her arm.

"Don't ever say some shit like that" I warned

"Or what?" She hissed

I looked at her.I grabbed her by her waist kissing her.She pushed me off her.

"Cowrd nigga" she said "What ever happened to you?-Your fucking crazy" she protested

I shock my head and pushed her on the bed getting right in between her legs kissing her.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that" I said grabbing her by her face

She looked at me.Now she wasn't her brave self she was a couple of minutes ago.

"Sooner or later when I kill that nigga don't come running back" I said "if I can't have you" I started,getting off her "Then nobody can" I assured her walking out the room

She sat on the bed speechless.Typical.I could've kept my cool.But something about her makes me feel some type of way.I'm too deep in love.I'm scared of what my anger may make me do.



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