Chp.9 Control Freak

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Jhene pov,

I woke up in Chris arms.we have been going out for 2 months now.He's perfect,though not when he gets mad at me when I hang around my guy friends.But besides that he's perfect.He was sound asleep.I drove home and toke a shower and did my morning routine.I put on the outfit in the media and drove to school. Chris keeps bring up how he wants a baby girl from me.But the truth is,I don't really think I'm ready to be a mom yet.
I drove home and toke a shower and did my morning routine.I put on the outfit in the media with my hair in a neat bun with my long 3d gold nameplate that stopped above my belly button.I was sitting in the crowed cafeteria talking to tinj,earl and big E and some other people,when Chris walked up to me.

"Can I talk to you real quick baby" Chris said to me

I looked at Tink.She rolled her eyes.

"Ima be back" I told her walking away with Chris

We sat in the other part of the cafeteria were none goes.

"So when we gone make this baby?" Chris asked putting his hand on mine

I looked around.

"This again?" I asked looking back at him

"We've been together for two mouths now" He exclaimed

I looked at the people in the cafeteria a few feet from us.I'd rather be bunched up with them then talk about some baby I don't even know I'm ready for.

"Jhene" He said

I Looked back at him.

"Ion know if I'm ready" I shrugged moving my hand from his

He looked at me strange.His eyes seem to have changed and he doesn't look like the boy I agreed to go out with.A mixture of Anger and hate filled his eyes.Not him hating me But hate what just came out of my mouth.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He asked touching my hand calm

I looked at the other half of the crowed cafeteria.I'd rather be bunched up with them then spend other minute talking about some baby that I don't even know if I'm ready to have yet.

"I Don't know if I'm ready to have a baby right now" I said looking back at him

He let go of my hand.I crossed my arms looking down at my tims

"I'm sorry-" I started getting cut off by Chris who slammed the desk over.chairs flew like a tornado just hit the place.

"Yo what the fuck!-" I yelled standing up,getting cut of by Chris

"You were just talking about having a baby Just last week!"He exclaimed

By now Everyone's crowding us.And the cafeterias quite.I had my arms crossed looking at him.I'm pissed as ever.

"I'm only seventeen" I explained "We got our whole life's ahead of us-!" I yelled getting stopped by chris

"We been talking about this for.the longest now-" He yelled looking down at me,Getting cut off by Big E and his friends

"Aye yo nigga you gon have to chill with all dat" Eric said upsideing Chris

Chris looked at Eric.

"Ain't this the fat ass nigga who you went out with?" He yelled looking at me

"What-No!" I exclaimed

"Man what the fuck is you talking bout bre?" One of Eric's friend said to Chris "That was the pass"

"Its ain't even bout that" I explained

"Fuck it" Chris said bumping me about to leave with him and his friends

"Aye blood-" One of Eric's friends Started,pulling a gun out on Chris

Chris untethered.Like he could care less

"It ain't even worth it" I assured him.

Eric pushed throw crowed and I followed behind him.Tink came with us.One of the police officers came setting his alarm off warning us all that we'll be in trouble if we don't split.The Crowd broke away.

"So whats up with that nigga" Eric said when we went to my hosue

I shrugged taking off my Tim's.

"He mad cause I'm not ready to have no baby" I said petting my pit bull,Tank.

Eric sucked his teeth.

"Pussy nigga" He commented "He Better be lucky juice ain't pop one his ass real quick" He explained

Eric's words seem to hunt me.These boys out her will kill anybody over me.And I'm pretty sure Chris will too.I don't know what I got mysleft into.I guess in in too deep.



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