Chp.14 A scream for help

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Jhene pov,

I woke up in jays arms.He makes me feel a type of way.I toke a shower and did my morning routine I put on the outfit in the media with my hair in a neat bun (Which toke my hairstylist almost an hour or so to do) With my gold 3d nameplate which stopped above my belly button.I grabbed my cream Louis Vuitton book bag and grabbed my rose gold iPhone 7 off the charger and drove to school.

I walked to my locker and put books in my book bag.Chris walked up to me.But he just stood their waiting for my response.luckily Tink and blue.He looked at me like'you don't see me right here?' Type of expression.I Tink and blue walked our third class and Chris followed behind us.
I walked to my seat and sat down Tink and blue sat beside me in the next row.Chris walked over to my desk and squeezed in the seat with me.Uncomfortable.
I thought of a million ways to solve this problem with getting into more trouble then what I already am in and not causing a sense.Tink and blue looked at me.

"Uh-Can I help you?" Tink asked looking dum at Chris

"Mind yo fucking business" Chris muttered to Tink "Aye yo check your friend,baby" Chris said

"She not yo baby anymore" Tink started "She fucking somebody eles" She pointed out

No Damn filter.Chris looked at Tink.

"Don't get yo self into trouble nah" He warned sitting back in the chair he shared with me.

Tink rolled her eyes.By now the whole class have their attention on us.

"I don't know why you want get Quan on him" Blue said "You know he'll get the job done" She assured me

Blue like Mi'quan.She just fine with Quan killing someone.But I'm not.

I traced my name on my name plate.The class watched me.

"Alright students we will be having our exam review" My teacher Mr.Camps said "Miss Johnson can you pass out the papper, please?"He asked

Everyone person in the room looked at me.

"Get somebody eles" Chris demeaned looking at me

"Miss banks Will you please pass out the papers?" Mr.Camps asked getting frustrated

I loss lose situation here folks.Lost of my old confident one who wast scared of the world.The side that was so unbreakable not even my own feather or the uncle's or Quan can break.Bit this one.Sitting right beside me have now made me think twice of myself.

When the bell rong Chris didn't let me get up.It was time for lunch and Mr.Camps is scared to talk to him or even look at him.

"Come on nae" Tink begged

"She fine right here" Chris said "Right?" Chris asked looking at me demanded for me to say: "yes"

"Ima meet yall later" I assured them knowing it was a lie.knowing when Chris would get up that I would run home.

Chris waited for The whole class to leave then he let me go.And when he did I started bucking for the hills.Poorly now one was in the seem like everyone was some where their was no school Today.

I ran to the gym hopping their were people in their but their wasn't even an ant.Chris came running behind me.I ran to the locker room locking my self in a Stall.

"I know you in here baby" Chris voice echoed throw the locker room that seem to have never end

I tears rushed throw my eyes.but I covered my mouth so not a pep could come out.At this point I'm terrified.I hid the shower balled up in the corner.Thus is real.This isnt reality.This couldn't be going on.

"Jhene!"Chris yelled

Thsi is were the white girls will start to run in the scary movies and 'trip'
Over an invisible object causing an loud nose.But this isn't it.I barred my head in my knees.kinda like how I use to do when Quan use to yell at me.And when I would hear dad down stairs beating a men careless.

Chrs hit the by one.

"Stop!-"I yelled stopping my self

"Thier you are baby" Chris voice said sounding like he was getting closer and closer

I cried even harder.So stupid of myself to make some sort of nose.
Chris brushed throw the door.

"Gotcha" He said with a grin walking to me

I stood up about to start bucking again,when Chris pulled me off the ground

"Stop!" I begged trying to break free

"Its okay-It's okay" He assured me
"This gone be quick"He whispered in my ear unlocking his belt

"Help!-somebody" I begged knowing nobody was here for's like everyone hates being at school this time

Chris kissed on my neck.He had me lifted up in the air.He toke off my shirt kissing on my belly.

"Don't make this harder then what it already haves to be" He said

He started kissing me even more.I kicked him and he fell back.I started backing away from him on the ground as he cried in pain.

"My nuts!" He yelled "I tried to tell you" He warned about to strike me with the metal part of his belt.Then Tink and blue came running in at the right time,saving me

"You done fucked up now bitch" Tink warned Chris while blue helped me up

Chris ignored Tink and blue

"Things could've went just fine until you had to messed up baby" He said shaking his head "I feel bad for you,really" he assured me walking out the locker room



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