Chp.24 Folgers Crystals

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Jhene pov,

I haven't seen Chris yet.I told Jay about what he did when Chris choked me and he was mad.He was mad.Bit he got over it.At least I think.I didn't go to school in two days now cause if quan.But it was nothing bad.

I toke a shower and did my morning routine after Jay, made dirty love to me this moring.I put on the outfit in the media with my hair straight and my gold nameplate with jays gold chain which had a 'J' on it with a king crown. I grabbed my Mk book bag and iPhone plus off the charger and drove to school.

Jay pov,

I rushed out the house halfway dressed and drove to football practice.The boys were out on the field doing their warm ups.I had my bag in one hand and my other hand pulling my shirt over my head.

"Cole this is you second time being late in a row now" My coach Mr.Frown said

"I'm sorry" I said putting my bag down

"Enough with the sorry and keep your hands off miss Johnson" he said with his clipboard in his hand

"Nigga you's a dog" one of my homeboys snickered eating a poptart with his friends

"Awww shut up" I said "Sorry ass nigga can't even get a girl" I laughed pulling my helmet over my head

His friends laughed.

"Aww you a fruit" He laughed "Nigga got lipstick all on his neck"

The boys looked at my neck.

"She bites you nigga?" One of his friends laughed "-Awww she freaky"

"Right-She can get the bone bone anytime" another laughed

Jhene pov,

"You late again?" Tink asked when I sat down in the classroom

"Cause of jay" I said

Tink and blue laughed.

"She got a hicky on her neck"One of their friends said

"And her thigh" another point ed out

"Goals" Tink laughed

"O my god shut up" I laughed put my hands on my forehead,blushing

Big E sucked his teeth.He jealous.

"You having yo track race today right?" E asked when I was playing in gym,now.

"Yae" I said making a hoop

"Aye don't fight that hoe Trisha" E said to me

I started laughing.

"I'm not" I said "I'm just gone wait till she gone run up like she said" I said looking across the gym rolling my eyes at her.

Her and her friends we're staring at us the whole time.Looking at me stank.She mad cause Chris said something about me and him being together when really we wasn't.He just didn't want to go out with her.

I put on my Calvin Klein sports bra with my shorts to match which fit me well with my hair in a messy bun with my .Getting ready for my track game.I'm winning like always 7 to 0.The crowds packed and my whole family's here like every other game I have.When my game was over I won my trophy like always and went to the locker room.
My body was sore.I'm the only one in here.

"You will never get it" Chris voice said when I stood in the mirror.He stood behind me.

"It will be a shame if oll homeboy were to clock out of here ea
Early" he said

"What are you doing here" I said looking at him in the mirror

"Just wanted to check up on the baby"he said in my ear wrapping my waist

I looked confused.He read my face.

"You didn't know?" He asked "You preegie-It's okay I toke the test already you don't have to get worried" he assured me pulling out a pregnancy test

I looked at it facing him.I shock my head in disbelief.A million thoughts came to mine.

"Thats a lie--I'm not even pregnant" I said

"Yes you are and this baby's ours" he said squeezing tight to my wrist

I pushed him away.

"Sorry ass nigga-"

"I'm not even finna get mad with you" he explained

I pushed his head away and he grabbed both of my arms.

"You hurt this baby I will kill you" he said pointing I my face speaking low,so that only I could hear him.

I looked up at him.I was scared but I didn't show it.He let go.

"I'll see you later" he told me,walking away

"You good nae?" Tink asked walking throw the door

I nodded speechless My whole life is crumbling right before my eyes.



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