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My Name? Niara Sinz. By day I'm a sophisticated, genuine, sophomore at Georgia Perimeter. Pretty normal right? Wrong. But at night, all eyes are on me; literally. This may sound like a good feeling but it comes with a price to pay. A price so big there's no way out of it.

Women wish they could be half the person I am. Men wish they could land me in bed. If only they knew what's really hiding behind these curves and caramel skin. I trust no one anymore; I'm as heartless as they get. Call me a scrooge but once you've let to many people near you and they take your kindness for weakness; I am your result.

That one mistake you make can change your life forever. Don't you even dare try to reverse it neither because it can evolve into something more. So, I triple dog dare you to step foot into my world, looks can be very, very deceiving.




Monday July 19th 11:35 p.m

Club 69 Silhouette 


I near closer to my location, each mile my nerves are getting the best of me. Should I turn around and not do this or go through with it? I just don't even know man. My thoughts are aubrutly interupted by my phone buzzing back to back.

While trying not to take my eyes off the road, I locate my phone, glancing over to see I have five new messages: two from Rachael and three from the person I'm supposed to be meeting. All my muscles south of my belly button ring tighten. If only yall you what I was about to encounter you would feel the same.

In the distance I see a fairly large, glowing, luminous sign reading, " Club 69 Siilhouette GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS". Automatically, my stomach turns cartwheels. "What are you getting yourself into Niara?" I sighed out loud as I pulled into the dimly lit parking lot. I braced myself for the events that were going to take place and got out my car.

While adjusting my tight fitting, midnight blue, dress; I heard a few call outs from the wasted men standing outside the club. I acted as if I didn't hear them and saunted over to the entrance. As soon as I pushed open the glass door immediately the smell of whiskey and cigarette smoke choked the life out of me.  " Gonna have to start getting use to this smell ma." a man standing in the corner told me. I jumped from his sudden appearance, "My god, didn't yo mama tell you not to roll up on people like that?" I asked coping a slight additude."I see." he said coming out of the shadows.

"Oh ugh i-i-it's you. I didn't even know yo-"I staggered. "Look, why don't you just let me do the talking alright?" he offered. He gave me a wicked grin and said slyly, "I'm Javier."  There goes my muscles tightening up again. "Well it's nice to finely see who I'm talking to." I said seductively. He looked me up and down and licked his lips "I can say the same ma." 

After having our little conversation he led me deeper into the club and the strobe lights nearly blinded me; women with enchanced features dangled from LED light-up poles. "Pretty fancy for a whore house." I accidently said out loud "Well you'll soon be added to the edition so I wouldn't say that Miss Sinz." he smiled. I shrunk back and shut my mouth. "You gotta loosen up babe." he continued. I did a nervous laugh and kept walking.

We finnaly came to this room where a curtain was used as a door, like on a stage or something. He looked back at me and opened it slowly. I walked in and it was like a booth area with a pole in the middle of the cubicle. A woman was twisting and contorting her body around the slender object. I then saw a man in the corner watching, intently. I cleared my throat and he glanced at me.

"I thought you'd never come Miss. Sinz, and that name suits you well." he gargled. His breathe smelled like straight up liquor, EW! I backed up and composed myself. "She's here for what I told you James.." Javier spoke up. "Oh so this is the one..you sure do know how to pick em." he gave me a folded white peice of paper and walked out. I skimmed it and signed at the bottom.

Javier then snatched it out my hand and spun me around. "I did my end of the deal now it's time you do yours." he breathed in my ear. The woman on the pole got down and ran out. I felt Javier slip his hand up my dress and into my g string."I thought I told you to not to wear panties, Miss Sinz?" "Oops.." I faintly replied, trying to hold back my moans.

He tightened up his grip and slammed me up against the magenta, velvet walls. "Don't play games with me! If I tell you to do something to better well goddamn do it!"he hissed "Ok."I whimpered. He then pulled my panties down and propped me up on him. At first it was slow then it got violent..and kinda unbareable."Javier..Javier..plea-"I moaned. "Shut! The! Fuck! Up!" he commanded. He then came inside me and the torture was over. "Looks like you belong to me now.." he joked while zipping his pants up. I sunk to the floor and just tried to cope with what just happen.


I jumped out my sleep only to see my distance classemates emptying the large auditorium. Damn, that's the second time I had this dream my phone started buzzing and I just knew who it was. Javier again.. god he just can't give me time to learn! I ignored, collected my things and left. I can't wait to get home, and lord only knows how badly I want to.

Niara to the right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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