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Back again! Damn haven't wriiten two parts in a day since summer......anywhoo here goes nothing

NOTE: This the last chapter, it may end badly and you hate me but ayee its whatever. ENJOY!

2 weeeks later

Rakeem's house


I sat on the edge of my bed, just thinking of all the wrong that's been done to me. This feeling has been festering inside me for as long as i can remember but, it ends here. No more of this saddnes I feel. No more of the guilt I have for not being there for those who needed me the most. No more, just no more. I glanced behind me and watched as Rakeem's chest went up and down. "How peaceful." I whispered. This is the last time I'll be seen him, although he has no knowledge of that.

I rose to my feet and walked over to my side of the bed and rested down a folded piece of paper with his name written in cursive on the front. I felt the tears coming on but I quickly sucked them up,"Goodbye." I thought to myself. I turned to the door and walked down the hall to Myles' room.

The store slowly creaked as I opened it, he flinched a little but he was still asleep with Hasan next to him. I've been such a bad mother, but can you blame me? I dismissed my guilt and and walked over and sat on his bed.

"Myles. Wake up!" I whispered loudly. "Hmm?" he groaned. He yawned and and came to his senses. "What are you doing in here Niara?" he asked in a sleepy voice. "I'm sorry." I said. "For what?" he inquired starring at me with his big grey eyes. "For everything. I wasn't there for you when you needed me and I was so consumed in my so-" "I forgive you." he cut me off.

"I know. Trust me, through everything I had you even if you weren't present in front of me. Then connection I developed with you is the strongest I ever had in my life. You helped me forget about my abusive past and you help me grow and when I was in danger you sheild me from it. You are what I prayed for when I was ten. Every night after my father would finished beating us and stumbled out the door, I would go over to a window and stare at the stars. I would close my eyes and prave for the day someone could protect me and love me for who I was. That day came and I wouldn't change anything about it." he explained.

His words brought tears to my eyes and I embraced him. I now know what I need and it's him and my baby. It was never a man it was them and that's all it will ever be. I leaned down and kissed Hasan on the forehead.

We then both rose to our feet and headed towards the front door, Hasan in hand. When it closed behind us it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was finally free from my past and I'm not looking back. Before I never had the strength to walk out the door because I was to afraid of what was waiting on the other side.

I turned to Myles, "Are you ready?" He paused and I saw the expression on his face. "There's no turning back now so, yes." he smiled

It's finally over, the pain, remorse, everything. The greatest challenge in life is finding who you are, the second greatest is being happy with what you find. People live and learn and the process repeats over and over until they get up and realize it's time for a change. My calling is here and I'm not about to miss it, so this is it, and this is all it's gonna be.


Author's Note:

So that's it! I know I didn't go out with a bang but that's what makes it good. I just wanna thank all those who endured my horrible typos, teary moments and steamy scenes. I also wanna thank Rocky for supporting me and putting me out there on ig or where ever you sent me! You mean alot to so Thank You!!!!!!! But ya I don't know if I'll have abother story out soon because i need time to get my thoughts together okay but I really wanna right an mb make believe but......the support from my homie right now sucks so, tal vez, tal vez no? <<< my spanish tho

Big Daddy says: That's all folks!

Tay says: Thank you

Casper the friendly fucking ghost says: Hi


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