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January 7

11:56 p.m.

Niara's House


I didn't really understand where fault was in this whole situation. When Niara came to get me from school all I was told that we're leaving, Me, her, and Hasan. I begged her to enlightened me on where we were staying or how long will we be gone but she was blank. Like almost dead inside, but why?

I put the last duffle bag in the truck and close it. I noticed Niara and Javier at the door talking, I've never actually seen my brother cry before. But I guess there's a first for everything, right? The only thing I could do is hang my head in shame. I felt like my whole world was crashing down right before my very eyes. Slowly but surely I made it to the passenger side of the car, got in, and waited.

Eventually, Niara came in and turned the car on, and backed out the driveway slowly. We sat in this awkward silence for about two minutes until she finally broke it. "You know that feeling when y-you just had enough? Like you just gave your all for no goddamn reason?" she smirked. "That's my reality everyday since Javier left when I was four." I mumbled "I know I told you I would never leave but, I have to now Myles." her voice cracked. I felt this thing built up inside me and a few tears were triggered. "But why?" I sniffled. "Because. Where I'm at in my life right now, is no place for two kids. If you only knew what's going through my head you would understand." she cried. "I do understand! I've been the only one who could!" I bellowed. "You think I don't know you see yourself in me? You and I been through some tough shit in life! Always having to measure up to people but it wasn't ever enough, I know how it hurts to get smacked down and told you're a fucking failure. All My life that's what I heard until I found you. You showed me I was somebody and not some waste of space, you were like my safe haven!" I sobbed.

She was in full tears now, "Myles that really hit home. It did, but I can't see you get hurt! We all think we got it the worst, but there is somebody in the world right now who's got it ten times harder. Believe me when I say this, God gives his strongest soldiers his toughest battles. You are here on this earth with me for a reason. You were meant to cross my path and the same for me, I'll be damned if I see you amount to nothing in life." "I don't want to be withou-" "I need you to be very strong and take care of Hasan. I'm gonna leave you to with somebody who has their shit together. This somebody is Rachael, she know you two are coming and I made her promise she would take care of both of you." she interupted.

I didn't want to leave, but I know she has good intentions about this one so I guess this is for the best. "Can you do that for me?" she questioned. "I can." I answered. Before I knew it we were at Rachael's house and I just stared at this massive house.


I saw headlights shining through my window and I sat up, I looked over and saw Darren still asleep so i slowly crept downstairs. As I came down the last step there was a light tap on the door, slowly I opened it and I saw Niara with a faded black eye, Hasan sleeping in a carseat and Myles, with a disturbed look on his face and fearful grey eyes. This reminded me of a scene from some abuse movie, "Come in." I half smiled. Myles slowly came in and looked around, Niara handed me the carseat and just stared at the floor. She then glanced up,"I'm leaving now Myles, but I will be back for the both of you ok?" her voice trembled.

He run up to her and embraced her tightly, I could tell he didn't wanna see her go. I heard her start to cry a little and that woke up Hasan. He squirmed a little and then closed his eyes, I can't even imagine how it must feel to leave your child with somebody else. But I know her situation right now and this is the safest route at the moment. I could tell Myles is use to having people leave him, it's truly heart wrenching. I wonder what he went through? It must've been bad judging by how I got this feeling.

I came out of deep thought and realized Niara had left, Myles was staring out the window, and Hasan was up and fussing now. I bent over and picked him up, he looked just like Myles grey eyes and all. Weird. After a moment I showed them where they were going to stay and he settled in. I hope Niara gets it together so she can have family back.


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