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I made a left then a right then another right; I just couldn't loose this nigga. Actually I wasn't trying to loose him at all, you see I know more than Niara does. She thinks I'm clueless about who's following us funny thing is I know this person better than she could ever imagine........I'm just waiting for the perfect moment to reveale it to her.

What do you think he means? So think about, did Rakeem ever really change from his highschool stalker days? Or have they just gotten enhanced over the years?

.............................................................................................................................................................................................................VVVVVV continue on...


I looked over to Rakeem in fear, but he was unusually calm. Suddenly he did a 360 with the car to where his car was facing the same direction Elijah's car was. "What the hell are you doing?" I shrieked. He said nothing and stared straight ahead. "Rakeem? Rakeem? Hello?" I called. The car started rolling forward until we pulled up beside Elijah. Rakeem rolled down his window and so did he, "I told yo ass to stay the fuck away from her!" Elijah yelled. "She's been mine for the longest and you know that,I'm the only one can love her!" What in the blue fuck are these niggas talking about? They know each other? "Nigga, she doesn't even know who the real you is!" he yelled back.

The real him...what???? Elijah then focused in on me, "Niara I'm telling you if you leave with him you're going to regret, I know you probably won't believe me but just this time trust me, he doesn't love you I do!" he explained. I turned to Rakeem who was cleching his jaw, I turned back to Elijah. Suddenly he pulled out a 48 caliber and pointed it into the car. bam! bam! bam! 

I jerked my head to the side and saw Rakeem's face turn white,looked down and saw my blood stained dress, next I remeber seeing Elijah rush over to me and pulled me out the passenger side, I was going in and out of conciousness. Rakeem then rushed over and slammed Elijah up against the car, my limp body fell to the hard concrete. It was so cold and hard I gazed up to the sky and saw white flashes, then a blury face appeared and I realized it was Rakeem.

"Niara? Niara? Don't leave me!" he begged. I was fighting to keep my eyes open, my side felt numb and cold. That when he put pressure on it and I let out a blood curdling scream. My whole world when black....


I woke up with a bright light in my face, I was terrified. "Doctor she concious!" a woman yelled. "What the hell? How she's been dead for 18 minutes." he trailed off. Dead? What are they talking about. I slowly lifted my head and saw my open wound on the side. I looked around and saw all the stunned faces. This was too overwhelming, I felt lightheaded and passed out. I was still awake in my mind and I could here everthing that was going on. 

"Quick put her back together!" someone yelled. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge, why is this happening? I can't remember anything or how I got here, why was I being operated on? I rumaged through my memories and all I kept hearing what sound like Rakeem saying,"Don't leave me." But why? 

I'd never leave him, I love him I really do. But then I still love Javier, no matter how many times he was in the wrong it wasn't  all credictly his fault. My thoughts went on to Elijah, they weren't clear then I heard a loud bang that kinda sound like a gun going off. I jummped up and looked wildly around the room, it was dark and I heard the steady beat of a hospital maching.

Beep..beep..beep.. it resounded, I started getting familiar with my surroundings and noticed someone laying at the foot of my hospital bed. It was Rakeem, a sharp pain in my side forced me back down. I lifted the little hospital dress and saw I was all bandaged up. I grew wide eyed, I couldn't believe this was reality. I fumbled around so bad it woke up Rakeem. He slowly turned his head towards me, "Niara?" he whispered in a sleepy voice. "Rakeem?" I replied.

He rose to his feet and was now at the side of my bed. He gently kissed my lips and I did the same "I thought you wouldn't make it.." he breathed. "I couldn't leave you.." I whispered back. He kissed me again and this time it was longer and he added tounge. Suddenly he backed away, "I have to go though." he said while looking down." "I want you to stay, please don't leave me here by myself." I begged. He sighed in distressed,"I'm sorry I have to go, sorry." "Why Rakeem, why? What's up with that shit, huh? Why is it when I need you the most you gotta go, you said you love me and you'll be by my side, please just stay." I sobbed.

My words made him cringe, "Please, Niara now is not the time for this." he replied. "What do you mean?" I cried. "I love you I really do, but I- I can't stay with you right now..i have something I need to take care of." he stated. "More important than me?" I questioned "I don't even know who you are anymore." I continued. He turned, still saying nothing and walked away. How could he leave me like this? I layed back slolwy and hot tears streamed down my face. I'm now at my lowest point.....I've betrayled others to self medicate. Who am I?

November 14

Dekalb Medical

7:00 p.m.

I sat alone in my room with the tv blarring, these past couple of days have really taken a toll on me emotionally. I haven't eaten or sleep, Rakeem never came back so I'm left in the dark about him. I as get out of deep thought there is a knock at the door and it slolwy opens. A nurse came in, Javier and Myles followed her. I felt a smile creep across my face, they both rushed over and tackled me. I winced from the soreness my wound still gave off.

"I'm sorry i didn't come sooner, they called me this morning. How long have you been here?" he rambled off. "Two days.." I mumbled. "Why what happen to you?" Myles asked. "The doctors told me I had three gunshots to the side and I was dead for a few minutes." I explained. I glanced up and saw Javier's eyes tearing up and turning red. Myles couldn't say anthing, he just stared wide eyed. "Do you know who did it?" Javier's voice cracked. I looked down and tears started falling from my face, something deep inside me to say Elijah but i couldn't I tried to say it but the words would not flow. "I don't know." I lied. 

I know who did it, it was Elijah. Over the 2 day of being here I regained my memories, I still can't figure out his motive.......but I get to go home today and that's all that on my mind. If Rakeems shows up fine, if he doesn't fine I think this was meant to happen anyway.

Do you think Rakeem's coming back? any ideas on what Niara's future may hold? But what did Rakeem mean when he said, "I have something to take care of."......could be be hiding?


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