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Friday, August 2nd 

Grady Memorial Hospital

6:24 a.m

I woke up bright and early to pack up a few more things that Javier had laying around. He was still asleep so I walked over to his phone that went off repeatedly. Looked at it and it send he had ten new messages, at first i thought it was from a female until I read it: It took so long for me to get this number....I really need you right now. I haven't seen you in years and I have nowhere to turn. I can't take it anymore. Chills ran up and down my spine, and I dropped the phone on the floor. 

The loud crash woke him out of his sleep, "W-what? Who's there?" he yelled. I calmed him down and he decided to get up. How creepy, who is this person anyway?

I dismissed the subject all together and the nurse from last night came into the room with a wheelchair. "Alright Mr. Rodriguez time to go!" she echoed while she erased his board. He stepped out the bathroom and looked at her with disbelief. "If you think I'm getting in that time wheelchair, you have lost yo dam-" "Javier!" I yelled. "What?" he answered. "I'm sorry he's bipolar and in the morning his anger gets the best of him."I apologized. "No harm done baby. I see." She said leaving the room.

"Reallly?" I kissed my teeth. "What? I'm not touching that shit I am perfectly fine."he retorted. "Get in the damn chair!"I yelled. He pouted and sat down, Looks like the drama queen is back. We finnaly left the room and headed for the elevator. 

Suddenly it stopped and the doors flew open, there stood Rakeem grining bigger than ever. "Hi how are you?" he asked us both. Javier looked at him in disgust, Typical. "Fine and You"I smiled sarcastically. He stood beside me and the elevator started back up. "I'm hung-" "SHHHHH!!!!!" I hissed at Javier. I then looked over at Rakeem who was shaking his head and cracking up. I nudged him and he stopped.

We got off and walked to the car, I helped him in and put our stuff in the my trunk and headed home.

9:00 a.m.

Javier's apartment

"Hey have you seen my tie>" he asked while running out the bathroom. "I thought you were on medical leave?" I questioned. "My boss is the devil himself, he said as long as I'm breathing all be working." He frowned. "Aww I was hoping we could spend the day together." I mumbled. "What?" he asked. "Nothing, and that head is jacked the fuck up! Come." I said pulling him to the bathroom. i sat him down on the toilet lid and began picking out this mess I have on my hands. "Ouch!" he yelled out.

I completely ignored him and contined doing what I was doing "Ah Jezus...ayunda por favor!"  I pulled back and stared at him dumbfounded. "What did you say?" "What? I'm have mexican so I speak spanish, duh?" he said in a goofy voice. I brushed it off and grabbed some curl refiner and rubbed it through his head. "Will this make me smell feminen?" He asked in a high pitch voice. "will you ever shut the fuck up?" I teased. He playfull slapped me on my ass, "Bad! Bad! Watch your mouth!" he bellowed. I rolled my eys, grabbed some gel and a toothbrush and smoothe down his edges. i stepped back and admired my work, he look pretty damn apetizing at the moment.

He soon looked in the mirror and gave it a goofy look, he then kissed my cheek, grabbed his things and left out for work. i picked up his head wrap off the floor and threw it in the trash. My stomach started growling so I went to the kitchen and took out a box of Lucky Charms. I then turned on the radio:play song to right>>>>>> 

I jammed while I ate my breakfast and looked out the bay window. I could see the sun rising higher and higher, overlooking the city was my favorite think about this apartment. I smiled to myself but was inturupted by a pounding at the door. I put my bowl in the sink and cut off the radion on the wall.

I slowly walked to the door and looked through the peephole. i couldn't see who it was because they were backing the door. "Can i help you?" I yelled through the door. They spun around unexpectantly and I jumped back. I opened the door and it was a boy who could be no older than fourteen looking at me, his expression broke my heart. 

I noticed he had a black eye, busted lips bruises on his arms and face, and his neck looked like someone tried to choke him judging by the ten purple circles that were in a row across his throat. I then looked down at his clothes, they were dingy; I studied him, he was skinny with some muscle to him, he had a long jet black braid down his back and the front of his head was frizzy, his eyes were grey but sad. He was a wierd color like that caramel dark skin but he had a red hue. I looked at his face again and I noticed he was a spitting image of Javier.

I then looked at his hands and in the left was an old picture of him and Javier and in the right was a black trash bag, must have his belongings in there. "Is this where Javier lives." Shoving the picture in my face. I pushed his hand back, "Yes he does who are you?" I answered calmly. But before he could answer, "you know what explain to me later come in, please" I replied.

He quickly walked in and sat at the kitchen table. i wasn't properly dressed judging by my booty shorts and tight tank top, I put on my robe which was layed across the couch and wa;lked back to the boy. I saw him greedly eating a big ass bowl of my Frootloops. I sat down in front of him and he look up startled,"I'm s-sorry Ma'am I didn't mean to-" I reached out to tough his hand and he quickly covered his face and glared at me with fear. Damn this kids mut've been beaten repeatedly to be so afraid of a small woman like myself.

"Oh baby, i would never hit you. I'm not like that." I said my voice cracking a little. I saw tears start to fall from his eveyes so I took him to my room and comforted him. I sat him down on the bed and sat next to him.

He hugged me," Thank you Ma'am." he mumbled. "Oh please call me Niara, I'm Javier's-" "wife?"he interupted. Why does everyone think this? "No his girlfriend." I frowned. "Who are you exactly ?" I say scooting away from him. "I'm Javier's brother, Myles. Myles Rodriguez." he sighed. I looked at him in disbelief. Javier never told me he had a brother, Javier never told me anything. "He doesn't talk about you much." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah I know, you when we were younger my dad use to beat us for no reason, he said he hated us and we were nothing to him. One time he made us watch him beat and rape my mom." he explained slowly. 

"My god." I whispered through my tears. "One day, javier got tired of it and just left. He left me and mom alone with my dad, The beatings stopped when he murdered my mom, that was the last day I saw him again. Soon the cops came and they put all my stuff in a pillow case and I've been bouncing from foster house to foster house. That why I have all these marks, my step mom had withdrawl from meth so she beat me down and told me it was my fault."he started to cry. He leaned on me and burried his face in my chest and just sobbed. I craddled him and kissed him on his forehead. 

"I know how you feel, alone and unloved I get it." I whispered to him. "How do you know that?" he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I livfted up my shirt and he stared at the ppurple marks. "Who did that to you?" he asked. "Javier....but I'm fine don't worry about me." "Oh... but can I stay here with you, you remind me of my mom, please?" he begged. I wanted to say yes but what would this Javier's home not mine. "We'll talk about it when Javier comes home. kay?" I told. His face sank and i hugged him again. I layed him down and we fell asleep in each others arms. I never felt a connection with a stranger before. It was so wierd. I hope Javier lets him stay.

 Sorry guys couldn't find a pic for myles so think of ray ray with a longer pony tail and grey eyes, kay?


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