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They Thought it was over....

But they were mistaken....

It's funny how he thought he could erase me; eliminate me from this game society calls life....

I know know my true purpose, I wasn't meant to go....

I'm back, and stronger than before....

My nind is set, I know what I have to do.....

All it take is the right place and the right time....

This is the explanation for the way Niara looks..... -PEACE...LOVE...AND ABNORMALNESS

3 Days earlier

12:32 a.m.

Niara's House


I looked at the clock that sat next to me on my nightstand and it read 12:32 in the morning. While looking down at my sleeping baby, Hasan, I thought to myself. Lately Javier's been acting like a stranger, Like a week after I had my baby he started working later and later to the point he wouldn't even come home till the next day. But he thinks I'm fucking stupid, He works at a law firm; a regular old 9 to 5. So how could he possibly be doing overtime. I got something for him when he comes back tonight, you see I'm no longer that don't ask ; don't tell girlfriend.

I made a promise to myself that day when I got shot that no man would ever have power over me again. I know you're thinking why the hell I didn't realize it sooner but I was lost in a sea of misfortune and dark paths. But I can't seem to get Rakeem off my mind, lately he's been coming into my thoughts when I'm alone at home with my baby, hasan and Myles. It's the wierdest thing because all I can imagine is him above me screaming " don't leave me..."  even though the last time be came face to face ended on a bad note I just wanna be in his pressence one more time, just once more.

I jumpped as I heard the front door burst open, I slowly got up and layed Hasan in his crib and walked downstairs slowly. The heavy down-pour outside made the rain sound like bullets as they hit the windows. As I stepped down onto the main floor I saw Javier in the kitchen, leaning up against the counter smoking a blunt. I walked over to the opening of the kitchen and rested my body against the post of the door.

He blew out smoke and tilted his head down," What are you still doing up?" he slurred. "That's not important, where the hell were you?" I snapped. He jerked his head to the side and shook it slowly, he smirked and looked back in my direction. "Where was I, huh? That's none of your goddamn business!" he exploded. Even in the darkness I could see his eyes were blood shot from being so high, looks like it's gonna be one of those nights. " Look. You been acting all different, like you been disconnected since I had our baby! What's up with that?" I interrogated. 

Suddenly he bum-rushed me and I fell to the ground, I looked up with fear as he towered over me. I put my arm up to cover my face, "You think I'm gonna hit you like before? Ha!" he snickered. Instead he dragged me off the floor by my arm and slammed me up against the stove. I felt my shorts being tugged off and I knew what was coming, but who ever said it had to play out. I looked around in the darkness and scrambled for something to hit him with; I spotted the can opener and snatched it out the wall.

He then entered me roughly, it hurt  more than ever. "Stop!" I screamed. That's when I picked up the can opener and attempted to swing it at him. But, before I could do anything he snatched it out my hand and threw it to the ground. He continued to rape me, I manage to hit him in the nose and he stummbled back. I quiclky pulled my shorts back up and made a run for the door. 

Unfortunately, I was too slow and he tugged me back by my hair and I fell to the ground again. My vision became blurred and I then saw him appear above me. "P-please d-don't..." I begged. He ran over to the meat tenderizer that was on the edge of the counter. He got on top of me, "See what you're making me do to you?!?!?" he screamed in my face. I started slapping and scratching....then


My head was pounding and I felt blood running down the right side of my face, he hit me so hard that I think he busted a blood vessle in my eye. Then my whole world went black......


I looked down at her lifeless body and I felt myself go back into a calm state. I didn't mean to do it, or did I? All these voices in my head kept tell me to do it and some said don't do it. I feel like I'm losing touch with reality. I haven't been taking my pills and there's been somebody on my mind, somebody who I need right now. It's been a secret for a long time, just about a little over three years; I wanna see her but she's married now. 

She's the only one who kept me leveled when things like this would happen, when I would you know hurt Niara. I know you're wandering who is she or where is she but she's closer to Niara than you think. I realized it would come to an end someway or somehow but I don't care I need her in my life. It's gonna hurt Niara when she finds out and she's been through so much already but I can't keep living a lie.....I just can't. 


It's been a good minute since I updated, I know. But I felt like I should write cuz...(drumroll) 

ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY WHOOHOOO GO ME...anyway, So who do you think Javier 'needs in his life'? What do you think Niara's gonna do when she finds out? She's in for a whole 'nother story.....stay tuned for future drama!


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