
320 14 0

November 12


Javier's Apartment

I was nonchalant the whole elevator ride until we got to our floor, We both walked out slowly and made a bee line to our door.I followed him into down at the the kitchen and we both sat down at the table, "So what the hell happen?" he inquired. "Remember that night in my dressing room?" I began. "Yea...." he trailed off. "Well the nigga you knocked out was the person who was following me today." I explained. "So, question. When I pulled up y'all were hugging. Why?" he asked perplexed.

I looked down and started twiddling my thumbs, "Answer the question!" he raised his voice. I jumpped,"I don't know." "What the fuck you mean you don"t know?" he questioned. "I don't know to tell you without you getting all mad! But fuck it! He said he needed me and couldn't live without me, alright?!?!" I yelled back. 

Javier's eyes became big, "You're meaning to tell me, you got some side nigga I don't know about?" he inquired. "Why would I need a side nigga? Ain't got the time of day to be hiding and creeping around like that."I lied. He stared at me and then began to rub the back of his curly afro, "Anyway I gotta go back to work, bye." he left out the room and out the door. I sat back in the chair and sighed. I can't keep going in circles with my life, I'm gonna have to come clean sooner or later.

I heard shuffling down the hall and sat up, Myles appeared in the doorway. "Myles!" I squeled. "Niara!" he yawned in a sleepy voice. "I didn't know you go to school on fridays." he stated. "Yea I went today cause I didn't go yesterday." I explained. He walked over to the dining table and took a seat. "Que Bueno?" he said in a goofy spanish accent. "Ughhhh you so ugly Myles!"I laughed. "You wasn't saying that last night,ohhhhh!" he retorted. 

My mouth fell open, "You had that same face last night too." he smirked. "Ew! What's gotten into you?" I laughed. I can't believe he's implying that I gave him head. "What I really wanna do is get into you" he mumbled. "What?!?" I exclaimed. "Nothing at all." he grinned. I slowly rose out my chair and walked over to the fridge; I bent down and looked for something to drink. I then noticed he was staring at me and this made me feel uncomfortable. "What you staring at?" I inquired. "Nothing, you just look nice from the back." he smirked. 

"Myles, you know you are way to young to be trying to hit on me like that." I replied. "I'm turning fourteen next month though." he continued. "Still to young, now hurry up and get dressed so we can go out!"I commaned, he then got up and ran to his room. Ugh, horny little teenage boys.....


3:40 p.m.

UGA Campus

Picnic Area

I realized how late it was and left the area; I jogged over to my car and got in. I sigh at the fact I was unable to convince Niara to give me one more chance. If only she knew how much I love her, I haven''t been able to sleep for the past couple of nights and I feel like I'm losing it. I need heruff  in my life, it's getting to the point I can hear her calling my name and there would be no one there, I gotta talk to her at least one more time.

I turned on my engine and backed out. I sped most of the way; then I pulled into the apartment complice. I went on the 3rd parking level and spotted her coming out of one of the elevators. Without even turning off my car I got out and ran up to her, I tapped her and she spun a around; she looked like she just seen a ghost.

"Elijah! What are you doing here?!?!" she yelled. "Please Niara! I need you we have to be together, please!" I echoed. "We had this conversation already! I can't be with you!" she argued back. "But I love you!" my voice cracked. "Please..." I begged. I then notice some little kid she was gaurding behind her, she has a fucking kid? What have I gotten myself into? "I can't. I'm sorry." she teared up. 

I fought back the tears that wanted to come because I am a man, not some pussy <<<<I.hate.this.word.. I'm not gonna give up so easily she may think she has won. I will have her even if I have to get rid of everyone in her circle, and I mean everyone.

I slowly back up and turned for my car, but then I paused. "I. Will.Have.You" I announced. She shuttered, and rushed herself and that kid into her car and whirrled out of the accomplice. "I will have you." I thought out loud.

What do you think he's going to do? Will he hurt Rachael? Myles? or Javier? Maybe Niara?......

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