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Later that evening..

5:50 p.m.

Javier's Apartment

*Dream Mode*

"We have to be together, it's all I ever wanted." I said. "But you told me that I was creepy, and you hate the fact that I'm always around even when you least expect it." he said. "I didn't mean it I have no one else to turn to." I started to cry. "Don't say that, you have me and that's all you ever need, I promise." he stated while embracing me. "I love yo-

Any guesses on who Niara is dreaming/speaking of or to?

I slowly opened my eyes, Damn it's I haven't had that dreem since I was eighteen so why am I dreaming that and I'm nearly twenty-five? Myles was still sound asleep so I quietly got out of bed and walked to the living room. I heard the locks click and the door slowly open; with suit jacket in hand Javier came in. I walked closer and then paused.

"Hey babe, I missed you"he said while kissing me on the lips. He's acting differently, see why he should take his pills? I pulled back with no emotion, "What's wrong?" he questioned getting concerned. I looked over to the direction where our bedroom was and back at him. He looked quizically at me and then slowly walked to our room, he opened the door and at the same time is mouth fell open his jacket dropped on the floor. 

He nearly ran into the room and I followed him. He was  practically on top of Myles trying to wake him up. "Oh my god, I-I" he kept repeating. Myles looked stunned at Javier, did he look different in his eyes. Javier just sat there rocking back in forth hugging and kissing his brother. This is probably the most emotion I've seen Javier show in all the months we've been together. His was touching, honestly. I decided to leave the room and give them some down one on one time to catch up.

I walked back to the living room and flopped on the couch, minutes turned into hours and I felt my self drifting again.

"Niara! Niara! Wake up" Javier yelled while shaking me. I pushed him away and rolled over,"Ugh wake up dammit!" he growled. I sat straight up with fear. I looked around and saw Myles peeking out from our bedroom. "What?" I asked annoying. He yanked me up and dragged me to the kitchen and glared at me. "Why the fuck didn't you call me when he got here?" he grunted. "It didn't cross my mind so much just was happening so fast." I explained. 

You could see the anger, regret and saddness building up in his face, he slammed his fist on the counter and jerked me up close to where I was three inches away from his face. I struggled to get away from him but I failed. "I been waiting for him so long and you could even do one damn thing right? I swear you're so fucking stupid at times!" he spat in my face. "I said I was sorry! I didn't know!" I cried. "Dammit stop apologizing !" he yelled.

I was in tears now, I didn't know how to handle this at all no clue. He slowly released me and I fell to my knees leaning on the cupboard just crying. "I don't how much more I can take." I mumbled. "What?!?" he questioned while crounching down next to me. I quickly moved away and army crawled across the floor; he grabbed me by foot and dragged me back to where I started. "So you think you gonna leave me? Is that it? he ranted as he pulled of his belt.

From the corner of my eye I saw Myles run over and cover me with his body."Stop." he said calmly to Javier. The room grew silent except for my whimpering; Myles stood up and helped me off the floor. God this kid is amazing, I wish he was mine! "You know exactly how it feels to get beat with a belt, and don't tell me you can't recall all the horrible things that we went through."he said while looking down at his socks. I just stood there staring into space thinking what would've happened if Myles wasn't here. I could have been severely beaten.

I looked up at Javier and his face fell flat, he looked ashamed and hurt from what just occured. We all just stood there waiting for someone to say something finally Javier spoke up, "I'm sorry my anger got the best of me, I'm just really frustrated." he explained. He then slowly walked over and hugged me, tightly. He then extended his hand out to Myles and we had this lil group hug, I actually felt better about it now.

"So can he stay?" I asked, "Yeah, he can stay" Javier smiled. Ahhh oh my god, I'm so happy he can stay we'll just like a little family.

3 Months Later...

Piedmont Park

Thursday, November 7 1:30 p.m.

I'm so excited for today, Javier, Myles and I are gonna go to the park for a festival. Traffic is backed up and I'm getting very impatient. "Are we there yet?" Myles groaned. "Can you shut up?" Javier teased. Myles rolled his eyes and just stared out the window. I laugh hushed to myself and then I feel my hair being pulled. "Owww? hey!"I turned around and smacked Myles on his knee. He giggled like a little girl, odd. "Your laugh is so weird!" I told him. He blew a rasberry and sat back in his seat.

He looks so happy now, his bruises are gone and since I been taking care of him that head looks presentable. I smiled at him and he gave this funny little look. We finally got there and parked. I looked aroun like damn, this place is packed. I saw females with they stomachs hanging out and long mermaid weave and this bouji look on there face. I looked ten times better than them, I was wearing this black, long, flowy ropper with some gold glatiator sandles. My hair was pulled up into a messy bun and I had some gold hoop earings; as you can see I look damn good.

We walked around and bought little thing from the shops that lined the path. We stopped at this one carribean stand and of course Myles spotted something he wanted, He ran over to this "One Love" Bob Marely shirt and looked at it in awe. "Can I get this Niara?" he asked excitedly. "Er Javier already bought you a ton of friendship bracelets from the last stand Myles." I explained. "But I really like Bob Marley, like a lot." he protested. "Aww just get him the shirt Niara." Javier agreed. "Alright go ahead and get the shirt." I sighed. He gave me this big toothy grin that showed his deep dimples; how could you say no to that face?

After buy practically everything at the festival, we found this quiet pinic area away from the large crowds. It was sunset so they lit up some string lights that hung in the gazebos. I have something I wanna talk to Javier about something I just need to find a way to get rid of Myles for a second. "Hey Myles?" I asked sweetly. "Yeah?"he waited for an answer. "Can you go get me a soda I'm thirsty."I said while killing the puppy dog face. "Sure." he smiled. When he ran off I turned and looked at Javier; he was looking in the direct of the pond twiddling his thumbs.

"Um can I talk to you about something?" I asked. He turned around startled, guess I caught him off gaurd. "Uh yea what's u-" "Niara? I didn't think you would come here!" a familiar voice exclaimed. I turned around to see Rakeem standing there, I looked back over at Javier who was comepletely lost. "Uh-uh Hey." I struggled to get out.

" We haven't seen each other in months, you look different." he explained. "Um who are you?" Javier asked. "I'm a good friend of hers, who are you?" he asked. I could feel the tension rising, this is awkward. "I'm her boyfriend, Javier." he boasted. I noticed the look on Rakeem's face and jealousy was written all over it. "Well I see why you got her I mean just look at her." he said in a cocky way. He looked down at my chest and bit his lip, I cleared my throat uncomfortably and the he looked at Javier and smirked. " I hope he treats that body right." he darkly said. "I'm sorry but, the fuck squared? What hell did you just say?" Javier got up.

"Figured it out, I'll see you soon, very soon Niara." he chuckled. He looked me up and down one more time and left. What the fuck has gottened into him."I'm back!" Myles echoed. "Oh, what took you so long?" I asked trying to cover up my nervousness."I was ugh talking to this girl, I-I use to know he-" "Myles got a girlfriend! Myles got a girlfriend!" Javier teased. His face turned really really red and he stared at the ground. "Anyway now that's been established, What did you wanna tell me Niara?" he asked. "Oh nothing." I sighed. I wish I could tell him how I really felt about being a stripper, I don't know why all of a sudden I wanna drop it. I never felt this way until now, I am just so compelled to say I want out, I wonder why?

"Well since you clearly forgot, we should get going I'm hungry as a mug." he stated. "Yeah me too." Myles  agreed. "Why don't you could tonight?" they both resounded in sync. "Damn alright! I'm starting to feel like the help." I groaned. They both laughed and we started walking back to the car.

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