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December 21

8:30 a.m

Salem Highschool


Yesterday was a little too much for me, I'm so not feeling school right now. With hands in my pockets, I walked to first period and took my usual seat in the back next to the window. I gazed out of the window and saw a car siting outside. My focus was broken by a concerned, light, voice.

"You okay?" she asked. I looked up and saw it was my friend, only friend, Milani. "Oh. I'm hanging in there." I mumbled looking down at my Jordans. She flooped down in the seat in front of me and turned around to where she was facing me. "You can tell me Myles." she said in a whisper. "It's complicated." I sighed. "Oh." she said twiddling her thumbs. "Wanna hang later on today?" she brightened up. "Sure." I half smiled.

This is what I like about other than her looks, she always can make me laughed when I'm down and brighten my day by just her smile. She has short, neck-length, curly, naturally red hair and dark brown eyes. She's a burned caramel color and she's thick but taller than me by an inch. I slowly smiled to myself, suddenly I felt someone pull hard on my braid that went fown my back. 

"The fuck bruh?" I exclaimed. I turned and saw it was that nigga named Cree, who threw those piss balloons at me when I was in the 8th grade. I rose up out of my seat and he towered over me. I was about 5'4 and he was 5'6,  this nigga is known for fucking people up. "Look you insignificant, waste of life! Sit yo big nasty ass down!" I exploded. Everybody in the class faced towards me, "Ohhhh. Kill em!" some boy called. I honestly started to feel fear build up inside me, I'm susprised that came out of me.

I saw his fist rise up and,,, WHAMM!! I kept my eyes shut and realized I didn't get hit. That's when I noticed Milani on the floor holding her nose and blood dripped from it. I can't believe she she blocked him from hitting me. I then took my focus on Cree who was staring in horror at Milani. All I saw was red, I grabbed him by his neck and body slammed him into our asile. I then started punching him in the face repeatedly. Over and Over again until blood started collecting on my fist.

"Mr. Hernandez!" I heard my teacher yell in anxiety. I completely ignored her and people started crowding around me and watched as I pounded his face. He started choking on his own blood and tried to force me off with his hands. Out of no where, I was pulled back by security. They dragged me out of the classroom and down to the front office.


2hrs. later......

Principle's Office

"He started it!" Cree pleaded. "What is you saying? You're the one who came over to me and pulled my hair!" I retorted. I looked over to Milani who was in a daze and holding ice to her nose. This just made me even angrier. "Mr. Hernandez, you know what's coming right?" the principle asked. "What? Suspension. For what? He took the first hit and I defended myself, I mean Milani."I explained. "Exactly. You defended Milani, she got hit you didn't." she disagreed. "But he hit a girl! How does he not get in trouble?" I asked. "Because, Ms. Shai got involved. If she didn't want to get hit she would've minded her own business!" she bellowed.

Milani finally sat up and stared at Ms. Willsame, "That's not fair! How could you not give Cree consequences? He's been clowing Myles since the 9th grade! To be exact, the 8th as well." she stated. She leaned foward and looked at Cree who was wiping blood from his nose. " Were you raised by a bastard? Because if you think it is A.O.K. to hit a damn girl in the face, my nigga you have short comings!" she yelled. "Language Ms. Shai!" Ms. Willsame scolded. She leaned back in her chair and shook her head.

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