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January 8

2:45 a.m.

Rakeem's House


I feel. I see. I weep. My thoughts screamed inside my head to the point I couldn't hear my concious think. I just hate when you lay awake in silence; you can hear everything you normally wouldn't pay attention to. It's as if your senses have became heightened for some reason, but it's whatever. 

I rolled over to my side and stared at the spot where Rakeem should be. His impression in the matress was still there and I pressed down on it. It was warm. It was welcoming. For the past hour since he left I've been reflecting, reflecting on how my life will be different from here on out. No more arguments, sorrow or guilt. This was just best, leaving Myles and Hasan behind was for their own safety. I know they'll understand someway, somehow.

I slowly sat up and walked over to my duffle bag that had all my clothes in it. since I can't sleep, might as well do some house- keeping. One by one I unpacked my panties, bras, shirts and stuff. I put it in an empty drawer Rakeem had, it's funny how this one is just empty. It's like he knew I would come stay with him one day. I just can't believe how long this day took to come, call it what you like, but this is truly fate.

I just hope everything goes smoothely because i can't help but feel something is gonna go wrong.....

I watch from a distance, not to far, not to close

She seems more beautiful than she's ever been, happy

This burning desire that's built up inside me

I have to have her sooner than I expect

So still I wait, and watch for the time is nearing

Damn he sounds like a creeper.-Tayy

Later that day...

11:03 a.m

Rakeems House


I pulled up to the house and shut off the car, I sigh. The most unimaginable thing happened to day, my patience died due my miscalculations but nobody knows that, yet. I open the drivers' side and reached over and grabbed my phone. I turned it on and saw I had 8 missed calls and 10 messages. I opened them and saw it was an unknown number. All the messages said "I know...". Chills ran up and down my spine. Who the fuck is this?

I brushed it off, for now and started up the paved path to my house. I checked my pockets for my keys and pulled out a set, "Shit!" I exclaimed. I don't know why I keep bringing home the wrong keys. Disgruntled, I rang the doorbell and waited for Niara to answer it. A few minutes passed and it finally opened. She literaly jumped in my arms when she saw me , I'm glad she feeling better. 

"Rakeem!" she squealed. She hugged me tightly, I picked her up bridal style and flopped us down on the couch. She then scooted off and layed back on a pillow. "So what've you been doing all this while I've been gone?" I inquired. "Unpacking....Watching tv, you seem pretty down what happen?" she trailed off. I leaned back on the couch and sighed, "Do I have to talk about?" I groaned. "Yes. You do." she said firmly.

"I killed patience." I mumbled. "oh, Rakeeem I-I." "Your fine. It's fine. Just forget we ever talked about it." I walked away. I went to my room and closed the door, 5 minutes rolled by and I feeled really bad for snapping on her. It's eating me alive, Imma go apologize. I kicked off my work shoes and undress out of my scrubs and threw on some basket ball short and a wife beater. I slowly opened the door, and walked into the living room. Niara wasn't there so I went into the kitchen. She stood in front of the window and watched the kids across the street play basketball. I crept up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist she tenses up and pulls away.

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