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Saturday, November 10

Club 69 Silhouette

Hippie's Dressing Room 10:00 p.m.

I'm looking in the mirror, only to see somebody so familiar. I can't do this anymore I just can't, I mean yes I get paid alot but I feel like I can do more with my life. I gotta face it, I'm graduating in like a year and I want a real job not some private dancer bullshit. But tonight when Javier comes to my dressing room I'm gonna tell him what I really want.

I jumped when there was a pounding at the door,"Come in!" I answered. I was shocked to see who came walking in, "Hey Ma, Haven't seen you in a while" Elijah chuckled. Aww shit! What is he doing here? I'm starting to get flashbacks when he it to me in his back seat! "Wow. Ugh what are you doing here?" I questioned. His expression became and he knit his brow, "I knew you were working tonight so I came to see you, I missed you alot." He explained while closing and locking the door. "I'm not dancing tonight. I'm actually cleaning out my room."I said pointing to the boxes in the corner.

He saunted over to me and wrapped his hands around my waist. "Finally, I can have you to myself" he whispered in my ear. I pushed away from him and stumbled back, "What do you mean?" I demanded. "Don't tell me you haven't thought about it too?" he questioned. " Now that you'll be working with me, what's going on betwen could finnaly blossom." he elaborated. I sighed and looked at the business card he gave me.


Tax Return Office

Downtown Atlanta

I was so late! I totally forgot about doing my taxes, I've been just so consumed with life it's easy to forget. I got on the elevator and impatiently tapped the bottom;knowing it won't go any faster. I reach my floor and briskly walk towards the office. I found a seat next to a little old asian lady and she tried to offer me a piece a lint, the fuck?

Aimlessly, i gaze around the room until a familiar face walks in. He smiles at me and weasles his way into the seat next to me. "Damn girl, it's like you fell of the face of the earth." Elijah stated. "I've been busy." i smiled nervously, imagines of him and I in his car flashed in my mind. I became uncomfortable and shifted in my seat. "So um what are you doing here?" i asked. "Taxes for my enterprise, what are you doing here I thought strippers don't have to pay taxes?" he asked loudly.

A few head turned and looked away slowly, i cleared my throat and glared at him.

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