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Friday, August 2, 6:30 a.m.

Javier's Apartment

I woke up, looked around the and it was still dark. I glanced at my clock and it said, 6:30; why am I up so early. I flopped my head back down and stared at the ceiling. I then realized the bathroom light was on and the door ajar, "Javier?" I called. No one answered, I became suspicious so I sat up. "Hello?" I called again but this time I was leaning over the side of the bed to reach my trusty, metal, baseball bat.

There was still no answer; i crept on my toes lightly, fear started building up inside me as I got closer. I pushed the door open....................................................................................................................................."Boo!" Javier bellowed. Ping! resounded the baseball bat as hit him over the head. He instantly dropped to the ground and layed out; arms out to the side. "Oh my god!" I yelled as I stooped down to pic him up. His head flopped around as I jerked him back in forth. "Oh god, wake up!" I panicked. His body was motionless, so I popped his eye lid up with my index finger, nothing. I dropped his head back on the tiled flooor and ran to my phone, I dialed 911 and waited for the dispatcher to answer. "911 what's your emergency?" "Yes. Hi. My boyfriend..I just knocked him out...with a bat ...and he-...send help please!" I rambled off. "Ok.Ok. Ma'am I'll dispatch an ambulance out." she answered. "Alright. Thanks" I hang up and ran back to Javier, He was mumbling nonsense but still no movement. Damn Niara, he's out cold.

There was a pounding at the door and I jumped. I quickly unlocked the locks and the paramedics came rushing in. "Where?" they questioned. "In the bathroom sir." I answered. They gave me a reassuring look and they got him on the stretcher and left briskly. I wanted to follow them but they stopped me at my door. Since when can't you follow them there? I quickly grabbed my Nike slides, keys, phone and purse and rushed to my car. I typed Grady Memorial Hospital in my gps and took off.

My mind is running a mile a minute as I'm dodging traffic and going well over the speed limit. "This was never supposed to happened; how could he do something so stupid knowing I'm always on edge."I gritted through my teeth. I'm so stressed out, I'm talking to myself and starting to question my sanity. I whip into the parking deck entrance and park, sloppy though. I ran to the front desk and banged on the counter. A lady with a high top knot popped her head up and stared me in the eyes, bewildered.

"What room is Javier Rodriguez in?" I gasped. "Uh-uh 402. Ma'am are you ok?" she asked while pressing the security button. Damn! She must think I'm on drugs judging by how bug-eyed and crazed I look. I looked around wildly and saw the hospital security rushing towards me. I took off, blindly running not knowing which way to turn. I revolved around the corner and read the sign above the door it read: Emergency Room. I know my baby has to be down here; I ran down the hall like some Jamacian track star and stop at the end of the hall. I looked at look left then rig- BOOM! My body smacked the ground, I was seeing doubled vision now. I heard someone scream in my ear but I couldn't make it out. I then felt something prick me in my arm and I winced, looking down I saw a needle stick out of my arm. What the hel-....My world went dark.

Later that day...

Grady Memorial Hospital'

5:30 p.m.

I woke up, tied by my hands to a hospital bed. I shook my hands repeatedly, it was no use. I did a sit up and let out a blood curdling scream. Still nothing; aggravated I kicked and screamed wildly almost knocking the nurse pager off the matress. I stopped when a man with long dreds, blonde at the tips came in. He looked back at me and smirked, I rolled my eyes and flopped back accidently hitting my head. "Ahh! Shit.Shit.shit!" I cried out. He giggled and gave me a toothy smile. "What are you laugh at eh? You think I like being strapped down like some imbicile?" "Your words love, not mine"He turned and laughed. Er. Mah. Lawd. I just got a sneak peek of his face and like those muscles are tightening up again, ok.ok. I sound like a sex goddess but I just can't help my erge to fu- better not finish that one.

He looked at a clip bored and skimmed it out loud," Delusional.... possibly on meth....and crazed. Hmph seems like you got quite the rap sheet huh?" he joked. "Haha very funny, so you gonna untied me or what?" I asked sweetly raising my hands, killing that puppy dog look. He bit his bottom lip and I could feel myself getting moist, he put his hand on knee and started going up. I closed my eyes and a moan accidently escaped and he pulled back. I opened my eyes and looked at him with lust,confusion, and saddness all at the same time. "Actually I like looking at you all tied up, It turns me on. I can already imagine  you in the same state. All.Alone.With. Me." he smiled. "I waited so long to say that to yo-" "What the fuck are you talking about, nigga?" I asked. He jumped back, shock written all over his face. "Don't tell me you forgot who I am, Niara?" I read his name tag and it said: Cruz....Oh shit! It's all coming back to me...highschool...that stalker.....Rakeem??? "Rakeem? Is it really you?"I asked in a high voice.

Another woman walked in at in sync we turned our head to her. "Cruz, we need you in the OR....you that thing you do....Mr. Anastealogist?" she teased. He smiled, look at me;winked and followed the nurse out the door. Still tied down, I comtimplate with myself over and over again. I thought about that night when he knocked me out and I woke up in his room, naked.


Wednesday, May 23 3:45

Stephenson High School

School Campus

"Finally! The last day of school, can't wait to be a senior next year." Rachael exclaimed while walking backwards. She so cray always loud and talking about random shit. "Anyway, so a little birdy told me you have secret admirerer!" she shrieked. "Girl what are you talking about?" I said while kicking a rock. I get the feeling as if I'm being watched and look around, "what's wrong looking all paranoid!" she remarked. i laughed it off and say it's nothing. We get on the bus and instantly a fight breaks out. We pulled out our phones and start recording. I soon reached my address and got off. I waved to all my friends and went inside. I still have the watched feeling though.

"Mom! I'm home!"I yelled to top of my lungs, I walked to the kitchen and saw a note on the refridgerator......Late night :(, lock up and be safe. I sighed and threw the message away, I hate when my mom works late...the house feels so creepy at night. I decide I wanna take a shower so I run upstairs and undress. I slid my my leggings down and threw my top halfway across the room, fainting rumaging sounds came from my closet but I didn't pay to much attention to it; stuff always falling in the hell hole. I then unhooked my bra and my brest flopped out gracefully, then I slid my green boy shorts down and walked to the bathroom.

Since nobody was home I left the door open; I turned on the pipe and saw the water gush out. I felt it and it was to hot, I turned to cool and waited for it to adjust. I just happened to glance around and saw a tall shadowy figure standing in the doorway. I couldn't clearly see who it was because they we're looking from up under there brow panting, and bug-eyed. I covered my naked body with my hands blushing, a boy has never seen me naked before. I studdying this stranger he hand long waist length dreds;blonde at the tips,hazel colored eyes, a black obey shirt,overside jean jacket, dark jeans and some red TOMS on. "I watched you for so long.."he announced in a slight carribean accent. He started walking closer to me; i backed up stumbling over the toilet, falling and hitting my head on the side of the tub.

I started seeing two of this stranger and it went back to one,"W-who are you?" I slurred. He crouched down to my level, pick up half of my body and whispered," Rakeem..." I shuddered, his voice was so deep and sexy but scary. He breathed down my neck and stared at my exposed chest. "You're developed nicely" he said while playing with my nipple. With all my might I shoved him off of me and he fell back. i got up but fell back down to my side, he got up and looked me in the eyes. It was so intense his emotion on his face was...incredible. Nobody has ever looked at me with so much lust....and wanting.

His face then changed dramactically and he kicked me in the head..Whammmm!!!!!I was out cold. I was akewake in my mind though, Who is he... I never seen him ever. No wonder all this strange stuff has been happening. The cameras in my closet, bathroom and in the corner where I normally change. He was fucking watching sleep, eat and shit! I get it now.....I'm not paranoid its him...

Flashback in next chapter!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Rakeem to the right>>>>>>>>>>>

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