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I decided to updat today, Yay! 

Here's why................................

So I found out one of my homies did me a favor and put my book on ig....she didnt have to do that! So kudos homie for goin the extra mile....I shall pay you back one day!

p.s I luvs you *Kisses* lml


*A lil nastee....in this chapter*

January 18



"Niara! Where are you? Call me back!" I anunciated into the phone, this is my tenth voicemail I'm leaving. Call it freaking out but I'm really worried about her, I mean she could be anywhere or even with anyone. I really just need to know. I pushed out the kitchen chair and took a seat; I felt a migrain coming on so I massaged my temples.

Light shuffles came down the hall and it became louder and louder; they then stopped and I glanced up. Myles regained his motion and took the seat in front of me. "What's up?" I greeted. "Too much." he bluntly answered. "Look I'm sorry we're putting you all troug-" "Where is she?" he interupted. "Uh.." I stated caught off guard. "Where is she?" he repeated glaring at me now. What the fuck is up with him? Trust me, if I knew I wouldn't be siting here like a complete ass! 

"Myles I really don-" "You drove her away didn't you?" his voice cracked. " You're just like everybody else. You smile with her, get her to trust you and then turn on her!" he bellowed. "What are you talking about? Just calm down!" I fought back. "No! I won't fucking calm down! I sat her quiet letting everything pass me by like I don't exist, I bleed like everybody else in here. All ya'll do is walk around and worry so much about ya'll damn selves. What about me? I'm the one who could've been killed a couple of days back!" he cried.

I tried to keep my mellow statue and soothe him, "Then if you were feeling that way, then why didn't you talk to me about?" "Because you wouldn't understand what I'm feeling, you just wouldn't." he sat back down. He started wiping away tears and regained his composure, "What do you mean?" I inquired. "Nevermind, forget we had this conversation." he grunted and walked back to his room. 

I leaned back in my chair and replayed his outburst back in my mind. Could it have became to much for him to hand? Niara leaving? Or is he just a little paranoid from his whole ordeal? Who knows, kids are confusing. Momentarilly, I dismissed the subject and went outside to clear my head. "What a day." I said to myself.



I blinked my eyes slowly and scanned my surroundings; I was still in the car and it became dark rather fast. Looking left, Javier had his eyes glued to the road clearly because he didn't realize I was awake. He then jerked his head towards me and stared," I was wondering when you would wake up." he smiled. "Where are we going?" I asked perplexed. "You'll see." he smirked. "No! Tell me right!" I demanded. I saw his eyebrows creased and you can tell his could go from 0 to 10 in any minute.

Once I got the message, I eased back. "Don't yell at me." he gritted through his teeth stilll smilling. "Fine. Now, please just tell me." I commanded. I turned my head towards him and waited for an answer. Suddenly, his lips connected with mine and I could feel the warmth from his breathe, "It's a suprise, I know you like those. Don't you?" he inquired.

I gradually shrunk back into my seat and glared out the window. "Why is Rakeem calling you? Did you guys get into a fight? Is that why you were walking in the rain?" he rambled off. "Well I-" I began to say. "Are ya'll fucking?" he asked getting serious. " Um, that's none of your goddamn business." I replied. He bit his lip and looked at me, "Don't think because we're not together, I won't put you back in your damn place Niara." he smirked. "You can't hurt me anymore, Javier." I grumbled. "Whoever said I was going to, you see I realized I was wrong for hitting you, I should've done different things you know?" he replied. "Like what?" I asked becoming nervous. He said nothing and turned his focus back to the road.

In the distance a tall building began to appear, apartments I guess and he pulled up slowly to the curb. "Get out." he commanded. I did what I was told and followed him up the stone steps and into an elavator. We waited silently and finaly the doors creaked open. He gestured me to go in so I did, he suddenly cleared his throat and I jumped. I noticed there was a male figure siting on an all white couch, backing me and sipping from a wine glass.

Once they heard Javier's sudden noise they slowly turned around an gave a dastardly grin to the both of us. Javier then grabbed my arm and tugged me over to where I was then standing in front of this man. It was so dark I couldn't recognize who it was, until they spoke up " Long time no see, I missed you." he said. "Elijah?" I managed to choke out. "You can leave now." he sent Javier away. But before leaving he whispered in my ear, "This won't be the last time you see me love." I shuttered from his words and a sense of fear and excitement flushed over me once he left.

He rose to his feet and he towered over me so I held my gaze in a upward position. His crystal clear, hazel eyes stared deep with in me trying to figure out what I'm feeling. It's been so long since we, we were this close. He maneuvered his hand to my waist and reeled me in closer to where there was no gap between our bodies. His hands moved from my hips down to my ass and slowly back up my spine grazing over my breast into where he cupped his hands around my face. His breathes were slow and calming, sending my sexual drive into its infant stages of lust.

"Elijah" I bemoaned. "Shh. Don't talk just listen." he cooed. The nape of my neck started to accumilate sweat rapidly and my palms became clamy. If I stay like this any longer I could go against my better judgement.


As I looked lower; feasting my eyes on her brest, I undressed her in my mind and fantasies were running hot. I bit my bottom lip trying to hold back what I felt, abrubtly, she pulled back hiting a wall that was behind her. I saunted over to her and got back hold of her. "I-I can-" she started to say. "Yes you can." I whispered in her ear biting it gently. "We never really got to love foreal." I continued. "Love?" she yipped. "Yes. Love." I assured her. 

I knew what I wanted and that was her affection and commitment. But it's alot to ask for this early in the game; although, I am a determined man and I get what I want no matter what's the situation. I pressed my lips against her and added tongue, she let out reserved moans fighting what really begged to come out. She thinks she's gonna make me stop but I have something else in mind. I felt her pushing off of me but I pinned her down,"Stop-p" she whinned. I contined not paying her any attention, I placed my palms on her back and pulled her off the wall. 

I managed to get her to my room,and I shut and locked the door. I stood above her and watched her skittish but awaiting body lay in an awkward position. "Strip." I commaned her. A bewildered look came over her face shocked at my words. Eventually, she started to unzip her Nike jacket but it wasn't fast enough. So, I took it upond my self to assist her; rather rough, I pulled her jacket off and then slid her grey leggings and lace underwear off. I couldn't wait any longer so I lowered my head between her legs swirled my tongue around inside her. She created so many different sounds that I never heard a woman make.

I felt her tightening up and released with every careful but skilled move I made. When I felt I teased her enough I crawled on top of her and pulled down my black sweat pants slightly bellow my manhood. She glanced down and arched her back signaling me to stop delaying. I entered her and she tighten up again and I began to stroke her...need I say more? After countless minutes she came shortly after me. 

Our bodies dripped with sweat but breathed satifaction all the way. I trailed her neck with kisses as I slid out of her. Then i got up and walked over to my bathroom and turned the pipes on to take a shower. I let the water hit my body and wash everything away. While closing my eyes the water ran through my hair and dripped down over my chiseled body and v line. "What a day." I whispered to myself.

But, There shall be more to come. This is only the beginning for me and the ending for everybody else.

So until next time.....

Okay...Okay... I know you didn't think she would sleep with him...BUT SHE DID! (dramatic instruments play) But ya I jus wann thank my home Rocky once again getting me some exposure thanks love!!!!!! So what's ahead Niara? Will we ever know why Myles feels the way he does? An will Rakeem find a way to get Niara's attention back on him and not someone else? Who know?


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