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Later that evening

5:42 p.m.

Javier's Apartment

I was finally home, turned of the egnition off and got out the car. I went into the lobby area of the apartment building and waited for the elavation to come down. " 5...4...3...2....1 ding!" I counted down. I hopped in and pressed floor 14. I gazed around and for the first time I noticed how elaborate the elavator was, why haven't I seen this before? The was were covered in this chocolate velvety wall paper, shingy goldish brass borders and the incredible greek art work on the cieling of it.

I jumped when the doors slid open; I walked out, looked left then right and whent to my door room 143. I fumbled my keys and the dropped on the floor. I bent over and picked them up, "Damn bruh, look at that ass." I heard some guy say. I got up and looked around, the next door over were these to guys walking out and they just happen to notice me. "Aye ma how ya doin'" one called to me. I started unlocking the door more quickly now and it just wouldn't open. "The fuck? Come on, now is not the time."I said while jimming the lock. "Why you such in a rush, I just wanna talk to you." the one who first noticed me said. At the corner of my eye I saw them started walking towards me and I build up with fear.

I look back at them and the taller, light skinned one was really close; the darker one came up behind me  and wrapped his arms around my waist. I could start to feel his erection on my lower back' he started squeezing my hips. "You filling this skirt out ma." he whispered, he licked my ear and tugged at it with his teeth. I rummaged through my purse for my taser or pepper spray, I found my box cutter...even better. I slid the blade out and had it ready to fuck somebody up. "you like what you see?" I teased. "yes I do." the light skinned one answered. "Good." i said quickly pulling out my knife. Once I revealed it they immediately back up with there hand high and dry.

"Look we j-just wanted to talk no hard feelings?" they rambled. "Besides I'm too much to handle for you, so try that shit with another bitch!" I taunted. The gulped really hand a darted over to the elavator, and went down." I'm so proud of you." I said out loud to myself.

I pushed open my door and threw my stuff stuff on the couch; I reached the bathroom and turn on the pipes. I got undressed and put my hair up in a messy bun, I was just about to get in but my phone started ringing. "hello?" i answered. "Hey babe, I was just checking in on you." Javier said. I rolled my eyes and kissed my teeth. "Another than getting approached by some fags in the hall, I'm just peachy you?" I explained. "Tired, bored which you could be here." "Sure, bored? I thought working at the firm was all sunshine and smiles." i teased "whatever..." he laughed. This is the Javier I'm use to; humorous, kind-hearted, and loving.  But these are only on the day he takes his pills. While still on the phone I open the sink cupboard and searched for my shower cap; instead I found Javier's empty pill bottle laying on the side and the cap tossed on the floor. 

I picked it up and read the label, it read: Lithium Javier Rodriguez 4567 Lenox Square Apartments..... "Hey um you ran out again." I told him. "Ran out of what?" he asked. " Please don't act like you don't know...you gotten take them so you can stay leveled!" I scolded him. "I hate taken that shit! Its gives the jitters.. and I feel sleepy all the time." he complained. "Fine, I'll go get them from Walgreen's tonight." " Good. Love you." I hanged up, put my phone on the counter and got in the shower. The water was still warmer and I began to bathe. I didn't touch down there to much because it was still red and irritated. I finally finish and went to my closet to find clothes.

I was stuck between this plumed color dress with a large peep hole in the back and this Spandex lace dress that stopped above my finger tips. I finally decided on the black one with some heelless stilettos that had the same lace material that my dress had. I styled my hair and make up, sprits myself with my Dolce & Gabbana perfume and took a good look at my self in the mirror. 

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