9. Stage zero

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Anna carries the money in a plastic bag.
' Finally..'

Anna spots a group of men barging in her neighbour's house.
' Huh ?'


Anna looks at her neighbour forced to sit down.
" Anna." said her neighbour.

" Quinn." said Anna, " What happened ?"
" I need to pay my debt today." said Quinn forced to kneel.

The men tried to press her finger down on the contract.
It was lucky that Anna was there to pull Quinn up.

" How much ?" asked Anna while protecting Quinn behind her.
"..one thousand." said Quinn trembling.

' Oh, I still have one thousand.'
Anna smiles, " I'll pay."


The men have left.
Quinn peeks at outside.

Quinn closes the door and looks at Anna.
Quinn bows, " Thank you !"

Anna smiles, " You can pay me anytime."


" Thanks for the money." said Gary taking the plastic bag.
Anna closes the door.

Anna smiles.
Someone knocks on the door.

Anna opens the door.
A man shows the contract to Anna.

" Hm ?"
The man points at a sentence between the paragraphs.

I agree to pay Luna two-thousand in a month.
" This.."

Anna raises her head to look at the man walking away.
' Quinn can help me.'


Quinn opens the door.
" What do you want ?"

" Um.." muttered Anna," Something came up. Can you pay me back within a month ?"

" Why should I ?"
Anna stares at Quinn.

" Eh ? But the money I lent you.."
" I don't remember borrowing from you."

Quinn slams the door.
Anna hits the door.

" Please pay me back ! Please ! Quinn ! Please.."
Anna hears someone talking.

" Hey, Luna, what are you planning about ? That annoying girl will stay in front of my house everyday for a month ?" shouted Quinn.

" She can't afford that much money, judging from her situation. She already gave Gary two thousand."

' H-How did they know ?' Anna widens her eyes, ' Could it be that.. it was all their plan..'

Anna realizes something.
Without Shane's help, she can't pay this debt back.

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