
32 4 0

" Yep. I still have 2 million." provoked Ernest walking into the voting room.
Wilfredo raises his head.

' Two million ? That's plenty !' thought Wilfredo.
Ernest comes out.

Wilfredo dashes into the voting room.
" Heh." said Ernest.

Rara puts her bag on tha sofa.
Rara goes in after the old man comes out.

" Everyone.." Anna smiles.
Teddy smirks.


Round 25
Time left 1 hour 6 minutes

" I asked you to doubt." said Shane.
Anna ignores him and just walks to Teddy while smiling.

" Everyone has voted Pigeon. Now, will you care to join ?" asked Anna.
Teddy glances at her.

" How can you know whether they betrayed or not ?! You believe in all of them !" accused Teddy.
" Are you saying that I lied ?" asked Quinn out of nowhere.

Quinn glances at Teddy, " don't tell me you're going to vote Crow."
Teddy grins.

Anna bows. " Please vote Pigeon !"
Teddy glares at Anna.


" Did everyone really.. voted Pigeon ?" asked Teddy.
Teddy glances at Wilfredo.

Wilfredo lowers his head and nods to himself.
Teddy looks at Ernest smoking.

Ernest gives him a death glare.
Teddy presses the middle part of his glasses.

Rara and Quinn just ignore his glare.
Teddy gulps.

Teddy looks at Daniel.
" Why are you looking at me ? I really voted Pigeon." said Daniel.

Teddy looks at Anna and Shane.
" Whether you choose to let us all win or win all by yourself." said Shane.

" I believe in you." said Anna smiling passionately.
Teddy stares at his vote.


Teddy smirks.
Teddy comes out from the room.

Time stop

" Now, we will announce the final results." said Chelsy.

Crow Pigeon
...0... ....8.....

" I knew it !" said Anna smiling.
Teddy takes his glasses off.

' They all really.. voted Pigeon ?!' thought Teddy scanning through the whole room.

They scream and smile.
Anna smiles.

" You.. really don't know when to quit, huh ?" said Shane behind Anna.
Anna turns to Shane, " You're once again wrong. We can win with trusting each other."


" Fufufu.." said Harry, " There's not even a single person who is really honest really exists in this world. I guarantee it. The girl.. is faking it. Soon, she will begin to show her true colors as the game continues."

" Oh, really ? I doubt that." said Yuri.


A 11
B 22
C 39
D 22
E 22
F 15
G 23
H 22

' I don't need 100 million. Eleven is enough for me.' thought Anna staring at the board showing her grin.


" I withdraw !" said Teddy.
" You'll need to give us back the half of your winnings." said Chelsy.

" That's okay."


Anna exhales.
" Yay ! We all withdrew !" said Anna.

" Except Quinn." said Shane, " and me."
" Huh ? You too, Shane ?" asked Anna.

" Oh." Anna smiles, " will we meet again ?"
" I don't think so." said Shane, " besides, we are not in any relationship."

" Not even friends ?"
" You think ?"

Anna stares at Shane, suddenly frozen, speechless.

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