
15 2 1

Anna rubs her eyes.

" Ah."

Anna looks around.
Anna gets up.

" S-Shane."

Anna looks at Shane holding his book.
" Good morning !" greeted Anna.

" Morning." answered Shane with a cold tone and not moving his sight from his book.
Anna kneels down and tries to find something from her bag.

Anna turns to Shane, " Tadaaa.. "

" What's that ?"

" A red apple from the last game."

Shane turns to his book.
" You sure that is edible ?"

" Yep !"

Anna walks away.
Shane hears the door slamming hard.

Shane closes his book.
He touches his forehead.

' I haven't had any sleep..'


Anna comes out.
Anna smiles at Shane reading his book.

Shane looks at the pieces of apple in front of him.
It is cut badly.

Shane raises his head.
Anna smiles, " please eat."

Shane pushes the plate to her.
" You eat."

" ..is it because of the unbalanced shapes ?"

" Yeah." lied Shane to reject her.
Anna lowers her head, " I know I'm bad at cutting.. I even cut my own hand. But the taste remains the same.."

Shane stares at her, " what ?!"
" Show me your hands."

Shane glances at her fingers, one of them bleeding.
" I'm fine." said Anna smiling.

Shane touches her finger.
Anna widens her eyes, shocked till she can't even speak a word.

Shane looks at her, " did you bring any tissue or medicine ?"
Anna shakes her head slightly with big eyes.

" Geez. Why didn't you tell me ?"
Shane takes a handkerchief out.

Anna smiles at the handkerchief rolled around her wounded finger.
" Thank you very much !" thanked Anna with a 90-degrees bow.


" Now we will pair the opponents."
Anna looks at Grace and Ella.

Shane VS Grace
Anna VS Ella


" Wow.. A nice pair there.." commented Hiro, " was it you again ?"
Yuri smirks at the screen.

Hiro's gold tooth shines.
" This will be an interesting match between the always-believing idiot and the two-faced liar."


Anna ( 5 p ) VS Ella ( 5 p )
Round 1 : Angel ( D ) Devil ( O )

Anna comes in.
" Hi.." greeted Anna smiling.

Ella smiles, " Hi."
Anna glances at the rules.

• Open the black box
• Open the white box

Anna looks at Ella.
Ella smiles, " the trap is the second one."

Anna smiles back.
" Then.. I should open the black box, right ?"

Ella nods, " yes."
Anna opens the black box.

" The defender walked right into the trap. The defender loses a point."
" Eh ?!"

Anna ( 4 p ) VS Ella ( 5 p )

Ella smirks.


Shane stares at the screen.
' Hang in there.'

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