
41 3 0

" I voted Pigeon." said Daniel smiling.
" Huh ? Me too." said Rara.

" You too ?" asked Ernest.
" Y-Yes." said Wilfredo while coughing.

" Then it's decided ! We will all win a million !" said Quinn smiling.
Teddy looks at them, " I haven't voted yet."

Anna stares at Teddy.
" Please vote Pigeon."


Teddy comes out.
Anna smiles to Teddy.

Teddy smiles, " I voted Crow."
Anna widens her eyes.

" No way.." Anna falls to the ground.
Shane smirks.

" I told you." said Shane.
Anna turns to Shane.

" The others are down a million, but you can still smirk ?" asked Anna.
Shane turns to them and nods.

[ LIAR GAME ost. Electode Spark 0102 ]

Shane walks in and out later.
Quinn nods and goes in the voting room.

Quinn comes out.
Quinn looks at Teddy and swishes her curly hair dramatically.

Teddy raises his eyebrows at Quinn.
Ernest walks in.

Ernest comes out and blows her smoke to Teddy.
Wilfredo coughs while going in.

Wilfredo comes out and smiles.
Rara goes in.

Rara comes out and ignores Teddy's glare.
Daniel goes in.

' Wait. They haven't vote yet ??" thought Teddy.
Daniel comes out.

Teddy stares at Shane going in.
Shane comes out and smirks.

Time stop

Teddy smiles.
" HAHAHA ! I voted Crow ! Even if you all vote Crow, you still won't get money !"

Teddy laughs loudly and he looks at the screen.

Crow Pigeon
...7... ....1....

" Who is that dumb to vote Pigeon ?" Teddy continues to laugh.
Teddy turns to Anna, " then it must be you, huh ? You've been persuading me to vote Pigeon. You selfish little idiot."

" I'm not doing this for myself. It's for everyone." protested Anna.
Teddy continues to laugh until he glances at the board.

" EHHHHH ???!!!" yelled Teddy.
Anna raises her eyebrows at the board.

Teddy rushes to the dealer.
" Dealer !! The board is going crazy ! There must be some internal cause or.."

" There is nothing wrong with the machine." said Chelsy.
Teddy grabs Chelsy's collar.

" You're kidding me, right ?" asked Teddy.
Chelsy pushes him down.

" I warn you for violence. If you do it once again, you'll be disqualified." said Chelsy.

A -7
B 0
C 17
D 0
E 0
F -3
G 1
H 0

" I voted Crow ! Not Pigeon !" shouted Teddy angrily.
" I'll explain it to you." said Shane drawing Teddy's glare to him.

" You !!" shouted Teddy.
" Mr. Liar." said Shane putting his arm around Anna's shoulders.

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