
30 3 1

Shane growls, " What did you do to her ?!"
Belle declares, " Apple, two."

" The guard saw through the thief's lie. The apples go to the guard."
" HAHAHAHA..." laughed Belle.

Shane pulls her, " You !"
Some men appear and pull Shane away from Belle.

" Mr. Shane, violence is not permitted. If you use violence, we will immediately disqualify you."
" YOU ! Come back !" shouted Shane angrily.

The men let him go.
In that mental state, Shane continues to inspect.


Anna drops a tear.
' Shane..'

Anna feels hurt.
Hurter than being cheated.


Gilbert puts the bag down.
The bag shows an apple.

" Pass me." said Gilbert.
Gilbert feels uncomfortable of his expression.

Shane glares at Gilbert.
Gilbert backs a little, " W-What ?!"

Shane presses the button.
" Apple, one."

" EH ?!!" exclaimed Gilbert.
" The guard saw through the thief's lie. The apple goes to the guard."


Shane comes in.
Anna stares at Shane.

Shane glances at Quinn.
" Are you going to be the thief ?!" said Shane with a high tone.

Quinn lowers her head.
' He's gone crazy.' thought Quinn.

Anna looks at Shane turning to her.
" Are you ?!" shouted Shane.

Anna drops another tear.
Shane pauses.

Shane turns away.
Shane punches the wall.

Anna and Quinn are shocked.
" FINE !" growled Shane.

Shane walks away.


The opposite room.
Belle laughs and laughs.

Unstoppable laughter.


Round 24

Shane sits down.
Shane tosses the bag.


" Hurry and pass !" shouted Shane.
His expression even shows anger.

I can hear Belle's laughter coming from the other room.
It's.. terrifying.

" Pass." said Gilbert.
Shane opens the bag, two golden apples.

" The guard didn't see through the thief's lie. The thief earns two apples."


" Pass." said Shane.
Gilbert smirks after showing him two red apples.

" Yeah !" shouted Gilbert, " I win !"
" The guard didn't see through the thief's lie. The thief earns two apples."

Shane kicks the chair.
Shane growls, " Bastard ! Come if you dare !!"

If the men didn't appear to pull Shane away, the surveillance camera that locates to the rooms' screen would have been destroyed.


Belle gets up from her seat.
" Well, I can't refuse a gentleman's invitation." said Belle.

Belle's footsteps are echoed through the rooms.


Round 25

Belle is shocked when the door is automatically slid open.
Anna sits down.

" You go." said Shane with an airy voice.

Anna stares at Belle, " please, Belle, don't make anyone suffer. There's no profit to it."
Belle smirks.

" That's his own fault." said Belle.
Belle presses the button.

" Apple. Two."
Anna widens her eyes.

" The guard saw through the thief's lie. The apples go to the guard."

Belle shows a creepy smile.

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