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" There are 2 hours to decide the vote. But in rehearsal, it will be 10 minutes. Now, let us start the game."

Round 1A

Yuri appears.
They watch her picking a paper out from the box.

Yuri glances at the paper, then shows it to them.
" Ms. Anna. Please present a question."

Anna walks to the front.
" We should believe in each other."

Anna smiles.
Shane stares at the votes.


Round 1A ( Time left 08 : 54 )

Shane walks to the voting desk.
Shane looks at the buttons.


Shane presses one of the buttons.


Round 1A ( Time left 00 : 01 )


" Now we will show the votes."

They glance at the board.

| . . YES . . | . . NO . . |
| A S . . . . . Q E . . . . . |

" The votes are 2 : 2. The voting will restart."

The board showed everything.
Their relations.

Round 1A ( Time left 09 : 59 )

Ella smirks.
Shane stares at Ella fiercely.

" Ms. Ella. Please present a question."

Ella smiles creepily.
" We shouldn't believe in people."

Anna lowers her head.


Round 1A ( Time left 00 : 00 )

| . . YES . . | . . NO . . |
| S Q E . . . A . . . . . . . |

" Ms. Anna is eliminated from the second half. Please proceed."

Anna lowers her head.
Shane walks to her.

Yuri picks a paper.
" Mr. Shane, please present a question."

Anna raises her head.
Shane smirks.

" I have a plan." suggested Shane.
" Eh ? Really ?" asked Anna showing a grin.

Shane walks to the front.
" Are you a woman ?"

Anna smiles.
" Ah. They will choose yes since they are women."

Ella turns to her.
" I can vote No too."

Anna stares at her.


Quinn presses the button.
Quinn looks at Shane.

Shane smirks.
Quinn nods.


Round 1B ( Time left 00 : 00 )

| . . YES . . | . . NO . . |
| S . . . . . . Q E . . . . . |

" Mr. Shane wins the round. Please accept the death ticket."

Ella turns to Shane smirking.
Shane receives the ticket.

Anna smiles.
" This is way too amazing !"

" What's amazing ? He is just lucky." mumbled Quinn.
Shane laughs voicelessly.

" Luck ? I don't believe that thing."

Shane points at the board.
" If you are a woman, you should vote Yes."

Shane smirks.
" But to do the unexpected, you voted No."

Shane turns to them.
" So, I, who was supposed to vote No, voted Yes."

Shane walks to Anna.
Anna widens her eyes at Shane giving her his ticket.

Anna smiles back.
Shane turns away.

Ella stares at Anna from the corner.
' I was just warming up. Now I feel the urge to lie again.'

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