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Case #2 : Anna takes a golden apple and a red apple

Shane smirks, " Apple, one."
" Ah !" exclaimed Anna.

" The guard didn't fall for the trap the thief had set. The guard earns his apple back ( trash ) and a red apple ( get enemy's apple )."

" Aaah ! If the guard stops the stealing, he will get an apple.. Then it means the thief is taking risk !" said Anna.

" Correct." said Bora.

Case #3 : Anna takes two golden apples

" Apple, one." said Shane pressing the button.
" What will happen ?" Anna looks around.

" The guard guessed right his apple but the other apple was his apple too. The thief earns two apples."

" Ehh ?! But Shane guessed one." said Anna, " why ?"
" Two apples are bigger than an apple." said Bora, " the bet is smaller than the real amount. So the thief gets away with two apples."

3. Apple, two.

Case #1 : Anna brings two red apples

" Apple. Two." said Shane rolling his eyes while pressing the button.

" The thief deceived the guard to call out two apples. The thief gets two apples from the guard as a compensation."

" Wow." Anna smiles, " I deceived you."
' I'm bored..' thought Shane sighing.

Case #2 : Anna brings a golden apple and a red apple

" Apple. Two." said Shane pressing the button.
Anna stares at the speaker.

" The guard mustered his courage to risk two apples and guessed right. The apples go to the guard."

" Hmm ?" asked Anna glancing at Bora.
Bora chuckles, " The bet is bigger than the real amount of apples. So the golden apple ( trash ) and the red apple ( benefit ) go to the guard."

Case #3 : Anna brings two golden apples

" Apple, two." said Shane smirking.
" Aargh.." mumbled Anna.

" The guard saw through the thief's lie. The apples go to the guard."

Anna grins, " Shane, you earned trash."
" Not completely trash too." said Shane.

" Eeh ?!" Anna widens her eyes.
" If you run out of your opponent's apples, you can't steal anything anymore." said Shane.

" Oh.." said Anna while nodding.
" Then now, we will start the first round." said Bora.

" Umm.. May I ask how many rounds are there ?" asked Anna.
" Total 30 rounds with each team taking turns as the guard and the thief." said Bora.

Anna nods, " oh.."
" Plus, " reminded Bora.

Shane glances at Bora.
" at the end of the game, we will take the 20 apples back from each person. An apple is worth 10 million." said Bora.

Anna smiles, " Thank you."
" Don't misunderstand this as a group game." said Bora.

" Hmm ?" Anna raises her eyebrows.
" It will be counted as personal debt. That is, even if your group wins, but you only have 10 apples, you are still short 10 apples, or 100 million." said Bora.

Anna watches Bora walking away.
Shane smirks, " idiot. You want me to explain it again ?"

Anna walks away ignoring Shane.

" None of your business." said Shane.

Anna feels a little hurt.

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