
23 2 3

Three days feels so long.
Anna walks to a house.

Anna knocks.
The door is opened.

" Did Shane ever come back ?" asked Anna.
" I told you. That man, he moved."

" Then do you know where did he move to ?"
The woman with black glasses shakes her head.

" Oh. Can you help me to give him this letter if he ever comes back ?"

The woman hesitates.
" ..I'll try." answered the woman before receiving the letter.

" Thank you very much !"
The door is closed.

Anna smiles while walking away.


Shane takes the wig off.
He opens the letter.

Mr. Shane.
Are you fine ?

I know I shouldn't contact you anymore after inviting you to a dinner.
But.. wherever you are in this world, I wish you happy.

And can you call me back ?

Sincerely, Anna.

Shane smirks while folding the letter.

' Love.. Huh. I don't believe any of them. That's all mutual affection. Eventually it will dissapear.'

Shane leans against the wall.
' You should find another man better than me.'


Anna closes the door.
Anna sighs.

" Shane.."

Anna widens her eyes at the man with the gold tooth.
" Eh ?!"

" Hi." greeted Hiro.

" H-How did you come in ?"

Anna looks at Ben.
" I let him in." said Ben.

Anna glares at Hiro.
" Anna, join the final game."


Anna stares at her phone.
' Should I try calling Shane again ?'


Shane opens his eyes, awaken by the ringing sound.

And can you call me back ?

Shane uses the pillow to close his ears.


Anna declines the call.
She sighs.

The phone rings.
" Shane !" shouted Anna after receiving the call.

" Ms. Anna. Have you decided to join the final game ?"
Anna stares at the handkerchief Shane gave her.

" I'll go."


Anna tightens the grip on her bag.
Anna walks in.

A woman with curly hair is seen.
" Ah ! Quinn !"

Quinn turns to her, " Anna ?!"
They hug each other.

Anna backs a little.
" How did it go, Quinn ?"

Quinn smiles, " we all won."
Anna widens her eyes, " eh ?!"

" Me, Christine, Joyce, Hillary won."

" How did the four of you- "

" We forced a draw. Every stage has a winner from each team. The teams just get shuffled over and over again. After five days or so, the organization of the game had to give us food and service, even beds for days !"

" Wow ! You're amazing !"

" Then.. they realized none of us four want to risk our lives."

" Hmm ?"

" We can't guarantee the opponent will give us their tickets. In the end, they pick two participants for the final game."

" So who ? You and.. ?"

Quinn turns to the other woman.
Anna widens her eyes.

" ...Ms. Ella ?!"

Ella smiles creepily.

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