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Anna stares at Shane.
" Is there any problem with my plan ?"

" I doubt it." said Shane, " if she takes all the money for herself ?"
" I'll go to ask." said Anna smiling.

Anna walks to the girl.
" Hi, my name's Anna. May I ask yours ?" asked Anna.

The girl raises her head to look at Anna.
" Oh. Hello, I'm Thessa." said the girl.

" Can I ask you to keep my money ?"
" What do you mean ?"

" I have an idea so we can all win this stage."
Thessa moves closer to Anna.

" Actually.." said Anna.


" She agreed." Anna smiles as she sits on the comfy sofa.
Anna looks at Shane staring at her.

" Don't." said Shane.
" Ehh why ?"

" It's risky."
" I trust her. She won't lie to me."

" What about risking your father's life ?"
Anna pauses for awhile.

" ..Mr. Shane.. Why won't you try to believe in people ?"
" I only trust you."

" Mr. Shane, you're mean."
Anna passes Shane.

' I'll prove it to you, Mr. Shane.'
Anna puts the case down.

Thessa stares at Anna.
Anna smiles.

" Here's the money. You will give it back to me, right ?" asked Anna with a grin.
" Of course."

" Then it's settled. As long as we believe in each other, we'll definitely escape this game together !"
Anna sits on the sofa with a smile.

Suddenly, Anna hears a loud laugh.
" Anna, you're too funny. As long as we believe in each other ? Escape from this game ? Well, the truth is.. I DON'T WANT TO ESCAPE ! I WANT MONEY !"

Anna widens her eyes.

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