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Anna takes her blanket off.
Anna sighs, ' I'm all alone..'

Anna drops a tear again.
She wipes it off.

Anna walks to the refrigerator.
Anna notices a note on the fridge.

Remember to finish the fried rice.
Anna opens the fridge.


Anna sits on the bed.
A loud voice is heard.

Anna, shocked, tilts her head further to peek at the door.
Wheels rolling.

Steady footsteps.
Cold gaze.

Messy bangs.
Untidy collar.

" Mr. Shane."
Shane puts his suitcase down.

" Don't worry about your father." pouted Shane getting a glare from Anna, " they must still have him alive, to bring you back."

" Really ? Thank you, Mr. Shane !" said Anna giving a wide smile.
" Don't thank me." said Shane walking away.

Anna stares at Shane, " Mr. Shane, you're a good guy."
Shane stops.

Shane walks towards Anna.
" We need to think of a plan to bring your father back."

" Ah !"
Shane raises his eyebrows.

" What if we pretend to be the men in black, then sneak dad out ?"
" That won't do."

Anna bites her lips.
Shane glances at Anna, " ..actually, your idea isn't bad too."

Anna smiles, " Is it ?"
" Aren't you going to sleep ?" said Shane sitting on the floor.

" N-No ! Mr. Shane, sleep on the bed !"
" It's fine."

" No no, it's fine, Mr. Shane."
" No, I-"

" You can't. I'll sleep on the floor."
Anna pulls Shane to the bed persistently.

Dumb Beauty & Genius Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang