
36 3 0

" Knowing from your characteristics, you won't use my pen to change with yours." Shane stands beside her.
" It's okay, it will just be a penalty of one million for voting without going in." said Anna holding Shane back.

Shane glances at Anna.
Shane glares back at Teddy, " And what if he votes you Crow ?"

Anna rolls her eyes to the upper left side.
" Umm.."

Anna widens her eyes, " ah !"
" You get 10 million. The others lose a million. 10-7 = 3 million, will it be enough to save the others ?" asked Shane.

" But I still can't let you sacrifice yourself !" said Anna.
" Hahahahaha.." laughed Teddy.

" So, will you exchange your pen with hers ?" asked Teddy showing the thin cylinder of ink again.


Round 20
Time left 1 hour 35 minutes

" Hey.. if it's like that, you can easily let us lose a million !" exclaimed Wilfredo.
" Yeah." said Teddy, " beg me not to vote Crow."

Wilfredo kneels, " please.. I have four children and my wife, I can't go further in debt anymore !"
" Fine. Then beg me." continued Teddy arrogantly.

" Your highness !" begged Wilfredo.
Teddy glances at Ernest passing by.

Ernest blows her smoke to Teddy.
Wilfredo coughs.


Round 20
Time left 56 minutes

Anna sighs.
Shane walks to Anna.

Anna raises her head.
" Let's go." said Shane.

Anna follows him, " Huh ?"


Round 20
Time left 42 minutes

" Oh.. Have you finally cleared your mind ?" asked Teddy smiling.
Shane puts his pen on the table.

Shane touches Anna's ink.
" Eh. Wait." said Teddy.

Teddy opens the cap.
It reveals the tip of the pen.

" Oh ! The real one !" screamed Teddy.
" Shane !" said Anna blocking him.

Shane leans in.
Anna backs away.

" Move away." said Shane.
" I won't !" said Anna closing her eyes.

Shane passes Anna and receives the ink.
Anna widens her eyes.

" Thanks." said Teddy.


Time stop

Anna comes out from the voting room.
Shane glances at her.

Anna curls her lips and rolls her eyes away.
Shane smirks.

Crow Pigeon
...0... ....8....

' I will let you pay, for what you did to my 10 million !' thought Teddy angrily, ' and loan sharks will find you before you know it.'

A -6
B 1
C 18
D 1
E 1
F -2
G 2
H 1

Teddy smirks.
" A million, get !" shouted Quinn happily.

" Now, we will execute extra rounds." said Chelsy.
" Hah ??"

" This game is designed for three players to pass. We will have extra rounds until we have only three qualifiers." said Chelsy.

" No need of that." said Shane, " we will choose three to pass. The others will be free of debt."
" I'm afraid you can't." said Chelsy calmly, " it HAS to be three."

Hiro walks to Chelsy.
Chelsy raises her eyebrow at Hiro.

Hiro whispers, " this is a special request from the boss.."
Chelsy widens her eyes.

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