
40 3 0

" Eh ?! Then it's disaster !" said Anna to Shane, of course, the only one with her in the room.
Shane glances at her.

" Just think about it, if we all want to vote Pigeon together, then it's easy to betray. And if someone betrays, that person will gain 100 million !" said Anna.

" I figured it out long ago." said Shane.
' And you only figured it out now ?' thought Shane.

" Anyway, I will persuade them to vote Pigeon." said Anna.
" I doubt they will vote Pigeon easily." said Shane, " you better not.."

Anna runs away.
" H-Hey !"


Round 24
Time left 2 hours 21 minutes

They all gather at the lobby.
Some of them clueless what to do.

" Everyone, let's just all vote Pigeon ! That way, we can all get 10 million." said Anna happily.
" Don't you know that if there's someone who wants to betray, they will get 100 million ?!" shouted Quinn.

" Please !" Anna bows.
Daniel sighs.

Teddy smiles, " well then, let's do it."
" I'm in." said Rara.

" Count me in." said Ernest.
Ernest glares at Wilfredo.

" M-Me too.." stuttered Wilfredo.
Quinn just stays silent at the corner.

" Hmph. What an idiot." mumbled Quinn.
" Quinn !" called Anna.

Quinn turns to Anna.
" Please vote Pigeon." said Anna smiling.

Shane gazes at Anna.
" Well, then your Pigeon votes I have doesn't come quite handy.." said Quinn after tearing the Pigeon votes.

Anna smiles, " Quinn.."


Time stop

Anna stares at the screen.


" Woah !" shouted Quinn.
" Yes ! Yes ! Yes !" said Teddy.


" Woohoo !" said Wilfredo.
Anna looks at Shane and smiles.

Shane stares at the board.

A 1
B 12
C 29
D 12
E 12
F 5
G 13
H 12

Anna smiles.
Anna runs to the front.

Anna faces everyone, " see ? We can all win 10 million if we keep voting Pigeon !"
Anna smiles.

Anna doesn't understand why they all seem worried.
" Ah ! Are you worried because you're afraid someone will betray ? I have a plan !"

Everyone looks at Anna.
Shane smirks and walks away.

" If someone betrays, we will keep voting Crow till the end !" said Anna, " that should keep from any traitors appearing."

" But it's the last round. That threat doesn't work." said Quinn, " and everyone will get greedy."
Anna frowns.

" I think.. I'll vote Pigeon." said Daniel.
They watch him walk into the voting room.

Daniel comes out.
" Mr. Daniel !" Anna smiles.

" I have nothing to lose. Even if I lose 10 million, I still have 2 million." said Daniel.


" Hohoho.." said Harry, " they still don't know that there's a greedy one among them.."

Yuri glances at Harry.

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