
29 2 0

Shane stands up.
Anna stares at Shane walking away.

Quinn smirks while Anna turning away.


" Fufufufu.. So, they found out the purpose of the rules ?" questioned Harry.
" Yeah." said Hiro.

" I bet the gold team will win. Even if it is Shane, he can't beat the other team with that kind of teammates. An often traitor.. plus a gullible girl." said Hiro.

" No. I doubt that." argued Yuri believing that Anna will win, " this game is different. It's not about deceiving, it's about believing. With just this, puts Anna into an advantage."

Hiro dislikes the girl in one of the monitors.
Yuri looks at Anna smiling.


Round 10

Shane sits down.
Shane glances at Ethan.

Ethan nods.
Ethan presses the button, " Pass."

Shane smirks.


Anna glares at Shane.
Shane pouts lazily, " You go next."

Quinn ignores them.
Anna twists her lips.

Shane walks to his usual seat arrogantly.
Anna stands in front of him, blocking his way.

[ LIAR GAME ost : Love or Lies ]

Anna stares at Shane.
Shane pretends to look at another direction.

Quinn walks away, " Alright, I know. I'll go. I'll go."
Shane exhales.

Shane feels uncomfortable with her so close.
" Why ?" asked Anna, " Ethan will lose."

Shane looks in her eyes.
" He wants to work with us. Together." said Shane, " we will also give him two apples."

" But.. oh." Anna smiles, " then how much is the limit ?"

Belle 8R Ethan 3R Gilbert 5R
Anna 2G Quinn 6G Shane 2G

" Ah ! Then we need to work with them to reach 8 apples." said Anna.
" They won't want a draw. If it's a draw, they can't withdraw." said Shane.

" We will all continue to the next stage." said Anna.
" We ? No, you are going to withdraw." said Shane.

" Eeh ?" asked Anna.
" We are going to win this game. And you are going to withdraw." said Shane.

" What about you, Shane ?" asked Anna politely addressing his name.
" I'm not quitting this game." said Shane.

" Why ?" asked Anna.
" You said you want to save the others." stated Shane, " I'll move on to the next stage instead of you."

" B-But what about them ?!" asked Anna, " they will lose !"

" We will get enough apples to get them out." said Shane.
" Eh ? How can we.."

Anna widens her eyes, " If I withdraw, I can't share my apples to someone. If it's like that, then only two people will escape without debt."

" Exactly." said Shane, " and that will be that woman who mocked you."

" Eh ? Belle ?"

" Yeah."

" Why ?"

" Don't ask me."

" I don't want this result."

Shane turns to Anna, " then what ?"
" It's better to let them win." said Anna.

" And I will be the only loser."

Shane glares at Anna, " don't even try."
Anna didn't realize Shane mumbling under his breath.

" That kind eyes of yours.. aren't suited to stare at a devil."

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