
27 2 3

Anna chases Shane.
" Wait ! Shane !"

Shane exhales, " stop following me."
" Mr. Shane, we are friends, right ?"

" No, I- "

" You said it before. We are friends."

Shane lowers his head.
Anna smiles.

" Please come to my house and have dinner to let me pay your kindness back !"

Shane hesitates.

" You won't refuse a friend's request, right ?"

Shane looks at her.

" I-I won't ask your address anymore. Just.. just have dinner with me. Just one time."

Anna stares at Shane.

" ..Fine."

Anna smiles, " Thank you."
Anna follows his back.


Anna opens the door.
" I'm back !" reported Anna.

Shane smiles while closing the door.
Shane looks at Ben.

" Mr. Ben."

" Please sit."

Shane sits down.
Anna walks to the kitchen.

Ben glances at Shane.
" How's it going ?" asked Ben.

" About ?"

" You and my daughter."

It was fortunate that Shane hasn't started to eat, if no, he would have choked.

" Nothing. We are just friends."

Ben stares at Shane.
Shane lies, " Pardon me, I need to go to the restroom."

Shane walks to the restroom.
Anna comes, " Here's dinner."

Ben walks to his room.
Anna feels weird.

' Both ? Who's going to eat ?'
Anna notices Shane's phone on the table.

' ..should I ?'
Anna furrows her brows.

' I wonder why Shane rarely picks my call up.'
Anna takes Shane's phone.

Anna turns the screen on.
" Oops." muttered Anna as she accidentally presses 1.

She feels vibration from her pocket.
' Eh ?'

' It can't be..' thought Anna persuading herself.
Anna breathes in.

She takes her phone out.
. . . . . Shane . . . . .
Accept . . Decline

Anna turns to the other phone.
' This phone's quick dial one is.. me ?'

Anna presses 2.


Ella looks at her phone.
' Big brother.'

Ella picks the call up.
" Hello ?"



Anna exhales.
Anna puts the phone back.

' Impossible. I'm hallucinating.'
Anna blinks.

" Something wrong ?" asked Shane.

" Ah ! S-Sh.. Mr. Shane ! You shocked me !"

Anna blushes at the thought of being one of the quick dials.
' I-It's just because Shane doesn't have other numbers.. He is just lazy to type my phone number. Yeah.. that must be it.'

" L-Let's eat." said Anna.

" Yeah."


" The number you are trying to call is not reachable."
Anna declines the call.

She heard uncountable times of the woman's automated voice.

' I know. Maybe Mr. Shane is busy. He could be talking to Ella over the phone.'

Anna types a message and sends it to Shane even though Shane never answered her messages.


Shane stares at the phone ringing.
' I don't believe.. I can't live without you.'

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