
22 2 1

Team Angel
* Shane ( victory )
* Grace ( victory )

Team Devil
* Ella
* Anna

" The Angel team receives two death tickets. The Devil team receives the death penalty."


The gold tooth shines.
" The hypocrite loses to the genius. Thought so." said Hiro.

Yuri stares at the screen silently.
Hiro smirks, " Worried about the idiot ?"

Yuri glares at Hiro.
" Women like you are cold." said Hiro turning away.


Shane glances at his ticket.
Grace shouts, " Yes ! A ticket !"

Anna smiles, " Ms. Grace, please give the ticket to Ms. Ella."
Grace glances at Anna.

" Why should I ?" laughed Grace rolling her eyes.
" But.."

" Stop ! Stop ! Hey, listen. She doesn't deserve to live."

" Anyone deserves a second chance."

" I don't care. I won't let you let her get away so easily."

Anna glances at Shane staring at her.
" Mr. Shane. Please give the ticket to Ms. Ella."

Shane looks at his ticket.
He raises his head.

Shane gives the ticket to Anna.
" Here. Don't get involved in this game anymore."

Anna stares at the ticket.
" Living a normal life is nice. Having a meal, going to college, happy moments.."

Anna smiles at Shane.
" But I rather save someone's life."

Anna turns to Ella.
" Here's your ticket."

Ella glares at Anna.
Anna smiles.

" You.. You sure I can take this ?"

" Yep."

The ticket is taken.
Ella stares at Anna in disbelief.

" Idiot !" growled Shane.
Shane pulls Anna.

" Now who'll save you ?!"

" I can think of a plan by myself."

" Easy to say for you."

Grace's eyes shine.
" But.. but then Ella won't get to survive."

A ticket is handed to Anna.
Grace speaks, " Take this."

Anna smiles, " Ms. Grace !"
Grace nods.

Anna takes the ticket.
Grace smiles.

Shane pretends to ignore her.
" Now we have two contestants for the last game. Mr. Shane and Ms. Grace."

" Hey, wait !" shouted Grace, " I have no intention in participating in the next game."
" Then please find a- "

" I'll be Grace's substitute !" shouted Anna happily.
Shane glares at Anna.

Anna hasn't realized it yet.
" Really ?" asked Grace.

Shane lowers his head.
' Ah..'

Anna nods while smiling.
" Very well then. Ms. Anna and Mr. Shane."

Ella snorts at hearing the names spoke together.
Anna looks at Shane.

Shane. Is. Clearly. Dissapointed.

" Well then. We will contact you again when the game at the other palace ends. Then we will start the final game. The real game !"

And with that, the screen turns black.


" Bye !" shouted Grace.
Grace walks away.

Ella walks away.
Anna turns to Shane.

" Sh- "

" Don't contact me again. And it's better if we don't meet anymore."

" But- "

" This game is not official, you can refuse to participate."

Shane's footsteps are echoed.

" ..Mr. Shane."

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