
40 3 0

Shane raises an eyebrow at the score board.

A -2 [ Anna ]
B 0
C 0
D 0
E 0
F -2 [ he got 10 million before, this is Shane ]
G 0
H 0

" Eh ?" asked Anna staring at the score board, " I voted Pigeon."
Daniel turns to the board dramatically.

" What ?" Daniel gets up, " I voted Pigeon."
" You too ?" asked Anna.

Anna smiles.
Then she turns to Shane.

" But how did we ?"
" I said, right, someone voted all of us and kept the votes. Just now, that someone voted six of you Crow, " said Shane turning to Anna, " or seven of you."

Anna looks at him, confused.
" I voted Pigeon. Of course it's seven." stated Anna bluntly, " Wait.. Mr. Shane voted Crow.. so it's eight of us."

Shane walks away.
Anna chases him.

" Wait, Mr. Shane !"


Round 7
Time left 2 hours 50 minutes

Anna closes the door.
" What did you mean, Mr. Shane ?"

" I voted yours Crow, mine Pigeon." said Shane.
" What ? Why ?" asked Anna.

" You said that you wanted to help him." said Shane, " if he really voted Pigeon, then he would have lost only a million, not ten million."

" If he really ?! You are still doubting him ?"
" It could be him really voting Crow."

" Mr. Shane !
..eh ? But.."

" It should be eight or six." said Anna, " that person could have voted all of us.."
" If it's like that, time would have stopped." said Shane.

" Oh." said Anna, " but now you are down ten million."
" I'm fine with it. I don't need money."

" Now we are both in debt." sighed Anna, " oh, should I ask them to vote for Pigeon again ?"
" It's no use."

" I should try." said Anna as she thought of round 4, when everyone won a million.

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