
31 2 0

" I will now explain the rules."
Grace glances at the screen lazily.

Ella watches the screen displaying the words with big eyes.
Anna lowers her head.

Shane glances at Anna.
Shane seems concerned while turning to the screen.

[ song ]

Trap game rules

The offense team sets two choices.
One is fake and the other is the real trap.

Note that the traps may not have the same meaning.

" Meaning ?" asked Anna.

For example.
• Open the box
• Don't leave the box closed

" Ah ! They're the same !"
The dealer will go in to check the rules and compromise with the offender first.

But if the offender is persistent about the same rules, the offender will be down a point.

Anna stares at the screen, " loses a point.."

The defense team will choose one to do.
If the defender did the real trap, the defender will be down a point.

If the defender did the fake trap, the defender earns a point for successfully escaping the trap.

" ..can we just not choose ?" asked Anna.
Alice looks at her.

There is a limited period of time to carry out the traps.
Twenty minutes.

If you don't choose any trap in that time, the next round you'll be playing will have the same traps.

Anna widens her eyes, " Eh ?!"
" T-Then I must choose ?!"

" Correct.
Any questions ?"

Shane raises his right hand.

" Yes ?"

" What is the prize ?" asked Shane boldly.
Anna glares at him amazed.

" Oh. I haven't explain this, huh ?
Actually, we prepared death tickets."

" Death...tickets ?" asked Anna widening her eyes.

" Yes. Participants with death tickets can escape the death penalty.
The prize is.. a death ticket for each winner."

Anna smiles.
She caught his attention.

' Idiot.'

" Ah !" exclaimed Anna.
They all look at her.

" I have an idea so we can all win !"
Grace glares at her, " What plan ?"

" The winners just need to give the death tickets to the losers !" said Anna smiling.
Grace pauses.

Shane rolls his eyes, " your plan won't work."
" Eh ?"

" There's another stage after this one. Did you think people would want to waste their only way to escape alive ?" stated Shane glancing at the screen, " what if the last stage only permits a person to win ?"

" Will they agree to your unprofitable plan ?"
Anna feels down a little.

" Well then, let's start."


Ella walks in the room.
Ella sits down and writes on the paper.

Alice takes the paper from her.

Ella ( 5 p ) VS Grace ( 5 p )
Round 1 : Devil ( O ) Angel ( D )

* O = Offense ( sets traps )
* D = Defense ( chooses one of them )

Grace looks at Ella.

• Open the white box
• Open the black box

" Hoh. Using the boxes from each team.." muttered Grace.
Grace looks at Ella.

Ella smiles.

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