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" Mr. Shane."
" You idiot."

The men point their guns at Anna.
" Do you have any last wish ?" asked one of the men.

Anna widens her eyes," What-"
" We have." said Shane, " we'd like to cherish our last moments together."

" Hmph. Well then. Go ahead." said the man showing his gold tooth as he speaks.
Shane and Anna sit on a bed.

" Can I ask for a blanket ?" asked Shane resulting a blanket handed to him.
Shane opens the blanket, covering both of them.

" Wha- Mr. Shane !"
Shane touches her lips, " Don't talk."

" Do you want to live ?" asked Shane.
Anna nods.

" Stand behind me," said Shane pulling Anna up.
The blanket is taken off.

Shane takes a gun out and points it at the man with a gold tooth.
The other men point theirs at Shane.

Anna covers Shane with the blanket.

" Drop your guns."
They put their guns on the floor.

Shane walks slowly to the man with his hat shot.
Anna walks behind Shane, sometimes bowing at one of the men while apologizing.

' Are we really going to let them go like this ?!' thought Harry glancing at Shane as Shane slowly walk towards the exit.

Harry notices Anna walking behind Shane.
Harry points his gun at Anna.

A man was shot while backing Anna.

Anna turns around.
" DAD ?!"

Shane shoots Harry's arm.
" Urgh !" exclaimed Harry.

Ben glances at Shane, " I'll leave her to you.. now go !"
" Dad.."

Shane pulls Anna away.

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