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I got over-excited and the result is.. well yea even though I haven't finish my test, I'm going to give you guys two chapters !
That is.. 87 & 88 aw too bad huh ?

But please let me rest for tomorrow due to the last test. Fighting !! >_<
I feel the same for you who are also having tests. Do your best !

Oops. 60 words above.
Ciao !

============= ^_^ =============

Anna sticks her ear near to the speaker.
Shane stops her, " It's soundproof."

Anna frowns, " I want to know what's going on in there.."
Anna turns to Shane staring at another direction.

' Shane must be very worried about his sister. She is also like me.. Or it was me who resembled her ?' thought Anna lowering her head.


Ella smiles, " the first one is the real trap."
Grace looks at her.

• Open the white box
• Open the black box

" You musn't open the white box." said Ella, " open the black box."
Grace gulps.

Grace walks to the boxes.
Grace opens the black box.

The screen shows a familiar face.
Grace looks at the dealer displayed.

" Everyone, I have an additional rule to announce.
If anyone in the trap room does the real trap, that person will lose a point."

" Well then, excuse me."
Grace stares at Ella smiling passionately.


20 minutes, waiting for the conclusion.
" The defender guessed right. The defender earns a point."

Ella ( 5 p ) VS Grace ( 6 p )

Grace smiles.
Ella smiles.


Shane ( 5 p ) VS Anna ( 5 p )
Round 2 : Devil ( O ) Angel ( D )

Shane leans against the wall.
Anna comes in.

" H-Hello.." greeted Anna.
Anna looks at the rules.

• Open the black box
• Don't sit

Anna raises her hand, " dealer."
The screen suddenly shows a familiar face.

" Yes ? Ms. Anna ?"
" What if I accomplish.. both of the traps ?" asked Anna.

" The game will be stopped after you accomplish the real trap, and you will lose a point."
" Oh.."

" But."
Anna raises her head.

" If you accomplish the fake trap, the game won't be stopped until you finish the twenty minutes."
" Then how would I know whether the trap I did was fake or.."

" Ah."
" Correct. If you did a rule above and the game hasn't stopped, it means it was a fake one."

Anna looks at Shane.
" Mr. Shane, which one is it ?"

" Don't do anything." said Shane.
" Eh ?"

Shane walks to Anna.
" W-What ?"

" The trap is.. Open the black box."

" Eh ?"

" Will you open it ? Or not ?"

" Of course I won't, Mr. Shane."

" That's it. You don't have to do anything."

" Don't do anything ? But the rules will be the same."

" Look at the fake trap."

Anna glares at the rules, " ah.."

• Don't sit

" Then.."

" Yeah. You can also win by not doing a-ny-thing."

Anna stares at Shane.

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