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Anna talks to people and even plead to some of them.

Round 7
Time left 1 hour 6 minutes

Shane walks to the door and stops.
Shane hears a sound on the other side of the door.

" Say, Anna. Do you like Shane or what ?" asked Quinn flipping her curly hair.
" No, no ! There's nothing between- "

" Fine, I got it. But you don't have to be so panicked." said Quinn with a sly tone.
Now Shane didn't know whether to punch her or thank her.

The door creaks.
" Ah ! Mr. Shane."

" I found something." said Anna.
Anna pulls Shane to the seats.

" I found that Wilfredo voted after Daniel. After that, Rara voted. Then I was the last to vote. They can be cleared of suspicion being that person, right ?"

" If what Daniel said was true."
Anna pouts.

" Um, Rara gave me the information, I think she's not that bad of a person." said Anna.
Shane glances at Anna.

" I'm not interested." said Shane.
" Oh.. I know. You like that girl, right ??"

Shane glances at Anna, " Did you mean the girl I told you ?"
Anna nods.

" That was my little sister."
" Eh ?? But I thought that you said you liked her ?"

" I liked her, as my little sister."
" Then who do you truly like, Mr. Shane ?"

Shane glances at Anna.

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