The Hostage Crisis

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Obi-Wan smiled down at Ikoe as they walked toward the entrance of the Jedi Temple. He's been teaching her for a couple of weeks and felt she was close to earning the right to build her own lightsaber. "My young padawan," he started as they paused next to the door, "I want you to go to the Senate building and ask for Senator Amidala. You would do well to learn politics from her before we continue your teaching. Knowing how to talk to people is important in the Jedi way and Senator Amidala is one of the best I know," he finished and Ikoe nodded.

"Of course, Master. I'll go over now," she said bowing her head slightly and Obi-Wan smiled.

"Good. Now, I need to see if my old padawan is indeed on a retreat like he's supposed to," he said with a shake of his head, causing a laugh to leave her at that.

"I wish you luck on that, Master," she said and Obi-Wan smiled.

"Indeed. Now go along my padawan. I'll make sure Senator Amidala expects you," he said and she nodded before leaving the Temple and slowly making her way to the Senate building, vaguely wondering if her master was having luck on figuring out if Anakin was on retreat. Occasionally, she asked a Senator how to get to Padme's office and soon, she was outside Padme's door.

"Senator Amidala? Master Obi-Wan sent me to to learn-" she started as she walked through the door only to freeze in shock. In front of her was Master Anakin and Padme, standing closer than friends would be standing and having just pulled away from kissing each other. "You-no-no-no-no," she mumbled rapidly and gripped her hair as she glanced between the two barely hearing the door close behind her. "Does Master Obi-Wan know? Are you-?" she cut herself off unable to finish since she wasn't sure if she truly wanted to know for plausible deniability and all that. The two shared a look, with Anakin grimacing in response. "You did....didn't you?"

"No, Obi-Wan doesn't know about this. And yes, we did. But you cannot tell him," Anakin replied and a pained expression made it's way to Ikoe's face.

"You want me to lie to Master Obi-Wan and Master Mace?" she asked and Anakin made a face at that.

"Yes, I'm sorry to put you in this spot, Ikoe. But they wouldn't understand," he replied and Padme made her way over to Ikoe's side and placed a hand on the teen's shoulder.

"I know this is a lot to take in. And that we have no right to ask you to lie, Ikoe," Padme said, sending her a reassuring smile. "But can you please do this for us? We love each other deeply but the Jedi wouldn't understand," she whispered and Ikoe took a deep breath and let it out as a sigh, her head bowing slightly. She covered Padme's hand with her own as she slowly nodded.

"Ok. I'll keep your secret, Padme, Master Anakin," she whispered and the two smiled at her with Padme pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you," she whispered. The three startled at hearing the door hissing open and Anakin moved quickly to her side while Padme went to her desk and quickly scooped up Anakin's lightsaber right as the door opened. "Of course, Master Skywalker, Master Kenobi asked me to teach his padawan the finer points of politics," Padme said with a pleasant smile at the two when Senator Organa entered her office with a droid.

"Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt," Senator Organa said and Anakin smiled.

"It's fine, we were done anyways. I just wanted to make sure Master Kenobi's padawan got here safely before I leave for my retreat," Anakin said and Senator Organa nodded. "I'll see you around, Senators. And Padawan, listen to everything Senator Amidala tells you," he said and Ikoe nodded as he then left the office to the group. As Senator Organa walked past her, Ikoe sagged a bit with a silent sigh of relief that Organa believed that before straightening up.

"Padme, Senator Philo has called a meeting in the lobby before we vote in the Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill," Senator Organa said and Padme nodded.

"Is he trying to push it forward?" she asked and Senator Organa nodded.

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