The Plot Against Mandalore

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Ok, I hope you're excited! The Mortis Arc is coming up soon!

Ikoe couldn't help the smile that grew on her lips as they reached Mandalore. Even though it wasn't for a good reason, she was still excited to see her aunt and brother again. She was hoping to talk with Satine about the clones. Since they were made from Jango's blood, it would make sense they would be classified as Mandalorian. So it would make sense that Mandalore would have a place for them to call their own when the war was over.

As she thought about that as they walked down to a ship, her mind drifted to Boba and Anakin. She had been talking with both fairly often in the past three weeks she had been on Coruscant waiting for Obi-Wan to get back. Both were making great strides she felt. Boba had actually agreed to talk with a Jedi Healer while she was off-world. Anakin meanwhile seemed to finally be letting go of some of his anger and grief over his mother's death. As for his ability to put the mission above Padme, he understood what he needed to do, but wanted to try saving her with everyone else.

"Are you still with me, Ikoe?" he asked and she nodded.

"Yes, Master. I was just thinking about some stuff," she replied and glanced over to see his smile in the starfighter next to her.

"Am I correct in guessing it's about Boba and the clones?" he asked and she nodded once more, earning a smile from him.

"Yes, I am."

"You are doing magnificent work, padawan. Would it be too much to ask if you take a break from it? I'm sure they won't mind if you focus on something else for a little while," he said and she opened her mouth to reply but closed it, humming softly.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt. I imagine the war will be going on for quite some time. And Healer Che is talking to Boba for me while I'm with you," she agreed slowly and Obi-Wan nodded.

"Don't worry, you'll be back to continue haunting the prison," he teased and Ikoe giggled softly in response.

"I wouldn't call it haunting," she argued and Obi-Wan sent her a look that she could feel as they both flew their ships down to the surface of Mandalore.

"Oh, the men securing the prison would say otherwise, my padawan," he said and she laughed in response.

"Okay, from their view, yes," she agreed. Once they landed, they jumped out of their starfighters and looked around, their gaze landing on one of Satine's personal guards.

"The Duchess awaits you, General Kenobi, Commander Kryze," he said and shared a look with Ikoe before nodding.

"Far be it from us to keep the Duchess waiting," Obi-Wan said as they both jumped onto the transport with the guard. They rode in silence until they reached the Sundari Royal Palace. They nodded to the guard and entered the palace, heading toward the throne before being stopped by Prime Minister Almec.

"General Kenobi, Ikoe," Almec greeted.

"Thank you for meeting with me, Prime Minister Almec," Obi-Wan said as they shook hands before Ikoe shook his hand next.

"I welcome you as a servant of the people but I am troubled by the false rumors that brought you here. Mandalore would never turn against the Republic. The Duchess Satine values peace more than her own life," Almec stated as they walked further into the palace.

"Oh, I'm aware of the Duchess' views," Obi-Wan said, earning a raised brow from Ikoe.

"Master Kenobi, Mandalore's violent past is behind us. All of our warriors were exiled to our moon, Concordia. They died out years ago," Almec said.

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