Before The Senate

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Ok, here's the final part of the Mandalore Arc! The next chap will be the Mortis Arc with Ikoe being 15. In the notes for chap 16, I'll put a link for the drawing of Ikoe's various outfits, she'll have changed into the outfit she wears at 16. Now, back to the fic!

Ikoe couldn't help but fiddle with her gloves as she listened to Satine argue with the Senate. Her head turned quickly as she heard the final words of the recording in shock. "-Make no mistake. Republic intervention is absolutely necessary," Jerec said and Ikoe shared a look with Obi-Wan who stroked his beard in thought.

"That doesn't make any sense," Ikoe whispered and Obi-Wan nodded.

"Indeed. They seemed to have agreed with Satine's approach. For this Jerec to change his mind seems...out of character," he mused.

"This isn't right. Something here isn't right. I wish to speak to Jerec immediately," Satine demanded as she slammed her hands onto the platform as she looked at Palpatine intently even as muttering filled the room from various senators.

"Sadly, Deputy Minister Jerec perished this morning in a Death Watch bombing on Kalevala. Let us ensure that his death was not in vain. Let us commit our military might to defending the Mandalorian people," Palpatine said as he looked over the senators, his hands spread wide.

"Defending? You mean to occupy our home. You would trample our right to self-determination," Satine argued, gesturing wildly as she spoke.

"We mean to save your people," Palpatine countered.

"You will turn our planet into a military target, which will bring the war to us. Mandalore must remain a neutral system," Satine argued, glaring up at Palpatine as Obi-Wan and Ikoe shared a look.

"The vote shall commence in the next session," Palpatine declared and everyone slowly dispersed. Satine was quick to leave the senate forcing Obi-Wan and Ikoe to rush after her.

"Duchess!" Obi-Wan called out as they finally got close to her. "Satine, wait," Obi-Wan called, grabbing her elbow when she didn't stop. However, her guards turned their weapons to him as Satine looked at him frustrated. "I just heard what happened in the Senate."

With defeat over what happened there, she waved her men off. "You're sweet to be concerned, but I promise, I'll be all right," Satine said softly.

"I am concerned. We're friends, are we not?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Yes, friends and nothing more," Satine agreed, looking sad at that which earned a confused look from Ikoe.

"Satine, as your friend, I don't think you should make any decisions in this state of mind," Obi-Wan began.

"This state of mind? And what state of mind would that be, precisely?" Satine asked, an edge to her voice as she glared at him.

"What I'm saying is, any person would be hysterical by now, but-" Obi-Wan reasoned.

"Hysterical? The Republic is attempting to force its will upon innocent people," she replied, turning away from them.

"I only meant that-" he started.

"Frankly, I'm surprised you're not hysterical. Perhaps if more citizens got hysterical, they'd be more inclined to speak up when the Republic tramples on their rights," she argued.

"Rushing in like this, it''s foolhardy," Obi-Wan said gently.

"Ironic words from a man who spends his days running hither and yon wielding his lightsaber with deadly force as if on a crusade. Why should I listen to someone who so frequently relies on violence? In my opinion, you're the one who's foolhardy," she said before turning to get onto her speeder.

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