o n e | H u n t e r L a s t

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A/N: Shoutout of gratitude to amazing Laneyrenee02 for keeping on voting and commenting on my books! You're truly awesome! :)


That was the first thing that came to Clea's mind the moment she opened her eyes early in the morning.

She stared at the white ceiling while her thoughts drifted back to the days she was always awaken by the delicious smell of her moms cooking; the way she playfully glared at her over protective but funny brother every time he wakes her up and the way she uses her very effective puppy dog eyes with an adorable pout every time she asks for something to her father.

"I miss you guys." She whispered groggily then coughed immediately as soon as her morning breath suffocated her nose.

She sighed and grudgingly got up, practically dragging herself to her ensuite bathroom as she promised herself not to accept a dare again that included eating a handful of onions and garlic.

She shuddered as she recalled their bitter taste but at least she won and had so much fun. Not to mention, her temporary terrible bad breath had helped her shoo away those pervert, high and wasted boys at the party who tried hitting on her but scurried away the moment she opened her mouth because she purposely blew her breath to the guy's nose.

Smirking at that thought, she started to strip so she can already hop in the shower and have her own mini concert with the song When I Die Young by The Band Perry.

She wasn't worried that the guys from last night might start calling her names in the morning because everyone was drunk as fuck that they will never remember a thing once they wake up in the morning.

It was a party hosted by her best friend's boyfriend, Bain Tyree. He threw the party Friday night, two nights before the first day of classes starts saying it was just a celebration for the starting of the senior year class when in fact, it was just a reason to get his friend Bryce laid.

Like it was hard for him to get laid when there's no party. She thought knowing the handsome Bryce never had a hard time getting girls.

Except for Bain though, he already has Peyton Reed.

They've been dating for a couple months now.

The ringing of her phone kicked her out from her daze. She tied her fluffy white robe as she carefully listened to her ring tone. She wasn't drunk last night, just tipsy but she was forgetful.

And careless.

That, she'd never admit.

When the ringing had stopped, she decided not to search for it any longer since she already knows who was the caller. It's always been Peyton.

Her family also knows her phone number but fearing that her stalker might be able to trace her through calls, they never called her even though they really wanted to. And she understood it, she wouldn't sacrifice being away from her family only to be caught easily by her stalker.

After eating breakfast, she opened her laptop and logged in her facebook that was named Lola Red with an over all edited picture of her that no one, not even herself can recognize the person.

Because in real life, Clea Devaugne has a wavy long ash-blonde hair, blue eyes, pink full lips and pale white skin while the one that was edited has a straight fiery red hair, brown eyes, caramel skin, lip piercing and a tattoo on her neck.

She hastily typed her brother's name and instantly, a few new pictures were uploaded just yesterday that was posted as public.

They weren't friends on FB fearing that her stalker might find her easily so her brother decided to public their photos knowing Clea would want to check it out.

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